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Number System

The Decimal Number System

Binary Number System

Decimal-Binary Equivalence

  • Decimal → Binary
  • 0 → 0
  • 1 → 1
  • 2 → 10
  • 3 → 11
  • 4 → 100
  • 5 → 101
  • 6 → 110
  • 7 → 111
  • 8 → 1000
  • 9 → 1001

The Octal Number System

Decimal-Octal Equivalence

  • Decimal → Octal
  • 0 → 0
  • 1 → 1
  • 2 → 2
  • 3 → 3
  • 4 → 4
  • 5 → 5
  • 6 → 6
  • 7 → 7
  • 8 → 10
  • 9 → 11
  • 10 → 12
  • 11 → 13
  • 12 → 14
  • 13 → 15
  • 14 → 16
  • 15 → 17

The Hexadecimal Number System

Decimal-Hexadecimal Equivalence

  • Decimal → Hex
  • 0 → 0
  • 1 → 1
  • 2 → 2
  • 3 → 3
  • 4 → 4
  • 5 → 5
  • 6 → 6
  • 7 → 7
  • 8 → 8
  • 9 → 9
  • 10 → A
  • 11 → B
  • 12 → C
  • 13 → D
  • 14 → E
  • 15 → F

Conversions from one number systemt to other

Binary Coded Decimal numbers

Signed and Unsigned Numbers

  • There are several ways that signed numbers can be represented in binary, but the most common representation used today is called two's complement.
  • The term two's complement is somewhat ambiguous, in that it is used in two different ways.
    • First, as a representation, two's complement is a way of interpreting and assigning meaning to a bit pattern contained in a fixed precision binary quantity.
    • Second, the term two's complement is also used to refer to an operation that can be performed on the bits of a binary quantity.
  • As an operation, the two's complement of a number is formed by inverting all of the bits and adding 1.
  • In a binary number being interpreted using the two's complement representation, the high order bit of the number indicates the sign.
  • If the sign bit is 0, the number is positive, and if the sign bit is 1, the number is negative.
  • For positive numbers, the rest of the bits hold the true magnitude of the number.
  • For negative numbers, the lower order bits hold the complement (or bitwise inverse) of the magnitude of the number.
  • It is important to note that two’s complement representation can only be applied to fixed precision quantities, that is, quantities where there are a set number of bits.
  • Two's complement representation is used because it reduces the complexity of the hardware in the arithmetic-logc unit of a computer's CPU.
  • Using a two's complement representation, all of the arithmetic operations can be performed by the same hardware whether the numbers are considered to be unsigned or signed.
  • The bit operations performed are identical, the difference depending on whether the value is considered to be unsigned or signed.
  • For example: Find the 2's complement of the following 8 bit number
      11010110 First, invert the bits
     +00000001 Then, add 1
    = 11010111
    The 2’s complement of 00101001 is 11010111
  • Another example: Find the 2’s complement of the following 8 bit number
      01001010 Invert the bits
    + 00000001 then add 1
    = 01001011
    The 2’s complement of 10110101 is 01001011

Gray Code

Binary to Gray code conversion lecutre

XOR table

  • copy the most significant bit as it is
  • ( b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 )2 = b4 ( b4 ^ b3) ( b3 ^ b2 ) ( b2 ^ b1 ) ( b1 ^ b0 )

Example 1

1  0  1  1 = 1 ( 1 ^ 0 ) ( 0 ^ 1 ) ( 1 ^ 1 )
            = 1     1         1         0
(1011)2 = (1110)gray

Example 2

11001 = 1 ( 1 ^ 1 ) ( 1 ^ 0 ) ( 0 ^ 0 ) ( 0 ^ 1)
        = 10101

Gray code to binary

Example 1

10101 = 11001

r's and (r-1)'s complement
