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Algebraic Structure

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Closure Property

  • A set 'A' w.r.t operator '*' is said to satisfy closure property.
    if ∀ a,b ∈ A
    then a * b ∈ A

Algebraic Structure

  • If a set 'A' w.r.t operator '*' satisfy closure property then it is called AS.
  • (A, *)

Associative Property

  • A set 'A' w.r.t operator '*' is said to satify Associative property
    if ∀ a,b,c ∈ A
    (a*b)*c = a*(b*c)

Semi Group

  • If a algebraic structure satisfy associative property then it is called S.G.

Identity Property

  • A set 'A' w.r.t operator '*' is said to satisfy identity property
    if ∀ a ∈ A
    there is an element 'e' such that
    a * e = e * a = a


  • If a semi group satisfy Identify property then it is called Monoid.
  • Example
    • a + _____ = a ? (0)
    • a * _____ = a ? (1)

Inverse Property

  • A set 'A' w.r.t operator '*' is said to satisfy Inverse property
    if ∀ a ∈ A
    there is an element a-1 such that
    a * a-1 = a-1 * a = e(identity)
  • Example
    • 2 + ____ = 0(identity) ? (-2)
    • 3 + ____ = 0(e) ? (-3)
    • 3 * ____ = 1(e) ? (1/3)


  • If a Monoid satisfy Inverse property then it is called Group.

Commutative Property

  • A set 'A' w.r.t operator '*' is said to satisfy commutative property
    if ∀ a,b ∈ A
    a * b = b * a

Abelian Group

  • If a Group satisfy commutative property then it is called Abelian Group