Health Education

Concept of Health

Bio Medical Concept

  • According to bio medical concept the stage where body is free from diseases is the healthy body.
    • In short → healthy → free from diseases.
  • Medical professinals viewed the human body as machine and disease is an outcome of the breakdown of the machine.
  • The concept minimised the role of environmental, social and cultural determinants of health.
  • Development of medical and social science lead to the conclusion that the bio medical concept is inediquent of health.
  • Drawback → minimized the role of environmental, social, psychological and cultural determinants of health.

Ecological concept

  • Deficiencies in the bio medical concept give rise to another concept
  • Ecologist viewed health as a dynamic equlibrium between men and his enviroment and the disease as a maladjustment(opposite of adjustment) of the human organism to the environment.

Psychosocial concept

  • Health is not only a biomedical phenonmenon, but one which is influenced by
    • social
    • psychological
    • cultural
    • economic and
    • political factors of the people concerned.

Holistic concept

  • It is a systhesis of all above concepts
  • It recognizes the strength of social, economic, political and environmental influences on health.
    • Implies that all sectors of society have an effect on health
    • like economic, political, social and environmental
    • It is a multidimensional process involving the wellbeing of the person as a whole
    • the emphasis is on the promotion in the health.
    • Holistic approach implies that all sectors of society have an effect on health.
    • In particular argiculture, animal husbandry, food industry, education, housing, public health and other sector.

Short Concepts

Cancer → Growth of cells which gets mutated badly.

Cells concept

  • Cell consist of nucleus which contains DNA.
  • Apoptosis → natural deadth of cells in multicellular organism.

Reactions of medicine

  1. Main purpose called pharmalogical effect
  2. Side effect → secondary pharmalogical effect
    • These are unwarned.

Clinical Trial

Short concepts

Indicators of health

Characteristics of indicators

  1. Valid
  2. Reliable
  3. Sensitivity
  4. Specific
  5. Feasiable (data obtainable)
  6. Relevant

Types of indicators

  1. Mortality (death rate)
  2. Morbality (disease)
  3. Disability
  4. Nutritional
  5. Environmental
  6. Health Policy
  7. Health care delivery and utilization
  8. Social and mental health
  9. Socio-economic

Extra concepts

Concept of disease

Agents of disease

One disease can lead to another.

Extra concepts
