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Decision Making

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Factors of making effective decisions

Six C's of Decision Making

  1. Construct a clear picture of precisely what must be decided.
  2. Compile a list of requirements that must be met.
  3. Collect information on alternatives that meet the requirements.
  4. Compare alternatives that meet the requirements.
  5. Consider the "what might go wrong" factor with each alternative.
  6. Commit to a decision and follow through with it.

Types of Decisions

Basic Decision or Strategic Decisions

  • All basic decision is strategic decisions involving large range commitments and large investments.
  • Slight or small mistakes in these decisions would seriously injure the entire organizations.

Administrative Decisions

  • Herbert Simon has classified all decisions in two classes.
  • Programmed decisions
    • It involves organizations which an develop specific process for handling these decision.
    • E.g. standing operating procedures and policies.
  • Non-programmed decisions
    • They relate to general probleem solving process.
    • They involve judgement, intuition and creativity.

Organisational or Personal Decisions

  • Organisational decisions reflect company policy. They can be delegated of transferred to others.
  • While personal decisions refer to those made by a manager as an individual and these can't be delegated.

Policy of Decisions

  • Policy decisions are taken by the top management.
  • Example - the declaration of bonus in a company is a policy matter which is to be decided by the top management, while calculation and distribution of bonus is an operating decision which is taken as the lower levels.

Individual & Group Decisions

  • The decisions taken by the individual in the organization is known as individual decisions.
  • Group decisions refer it the decisions which are taken by a group of organizational member (board directors, commiter of experts)

Routine Decisions

  • The type of decisions made when problems are relatively well defined and common & when established rules, policies and procedures can be used to solve them.

Adaptive decisions

  • The type of decisions made when problems and alternative solutions are somewhat unusual and only partially understood.

Characteristics of Decision Making process

Pases of decision making

Principles of decisions making

Techniques or basis of decision making

  1. Intuition - decision making by intuition is characterized by inner feeling of the person. He takes a decision as per the dictates of his conscious.
  2. FACTS - It is considered to be the best basis of decisions making. Such decisions will be sound and proper.
  3. Experience - Past experience of a person becomes a good basis for taking decisions. When a similar situation arises the manager can rely on his past decisions and takes similar decisions.
  4. Operations research - It helps managers by providing scientific basis for solving organized problems involving interaction of components of the organization.
  5. Values - Being confused and unclear about one‘s values may affect decision- making ability. Overcoming a lack of self- awareness through values clarification decreases confusion.
  6. Individual Preference - Overcoming this area of vulnerability, involves self- awareness, honesty and risk taking.

Decision making models

Problem solving model

  • Here three things get together
  • Decision making - it is purposeful and goal directed effort using a systematic process to choose among options. The hallmark of decision making is the identification and selection of options.
  • Problem solving - problem solving is focused on trying to solve an immediate problem
  • Creativity - It is essential for generation of options or solutions. Creative individuals are able to conceptualize new and innovated approaches to a problem by being more flexible and independent in their thinking.