Digital Electronics

Details of the course ↓

Unit No.



Basics ⇗


Number system ⇗:

  • Data Representation, Binary number system, Octal & Hexa-decimal number system, Conversion between number system, Arithmetic operation on Binary numbers, r’s and r-1’s complement, Overflow & underflow, Fixed and Floating Point Representation, Codes, ASCII, EBCDIC codes, Gray code, Excess-3 & BCD, Error detection & correcting codes.


Logic Gates ⇗:

  • Logic Gates, AND, OR, NOT GATES and their Truth tables, NOR, NAND, XOR and XNOR gates, Universal Gates and their implementation. Boolean Algebra, Basic Boolean Law's, Demorgan's theorem, Minterms and Maxterms, K-MAP Simplification, Minimization techniques, Sum of Product & Product of Sum. Canonical forms.


Combinational circuits ⇗:

  • Design procedure – Adders-Subtractors – Serial adder/ Subtractor - Parallel adder/ Subtractor. Multiplexer/Demultiplexer, Encoder / Decoder. Implementation of combinational logic circuits.


Sequential circuits ⇗:

  • Flip-flops- Types of flip-flops,SR, JK, T, D and Master slave – Characteristic table and equation. Realization of one flip flop using other flip-flops. Definition of registers, types of registers. Basic Shift Registers Applications of registers


Counters ⇗:

  • Definition of counters, types of counters, asynchronous counters, synchronous counters, Ring counters, up/down counters etc. Applications of counters.