× back Properties Terminologies Binary tree Full or complete binary tree Binary search tree Spanning tree Minimal spanning tree
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  1. A tree with 'n' vertices has n-1 edges.
  2. There is one and only one path between every pair of vertices.
  3. It is minimally connected graph.
  4. Every non-trivial tree has two or more pendent vertices.
    • Pendent vertex → A vertex is said to be pendent vertex or an end vertex if its degree in one.


Binary tree

Full or complete binary tree

Note ↓

  1. In a full binary tree there is exactly one vertex with degree 2 i.e. root and all other vertices have degree 1 or 3.
  2. A full binary tree will always have odd number of vertices say n.
    Since there is exactly one vertex (root) of even degree & the remaining (n-1) vertices are of odd degree, but the number of vertices of odd degree in a graph is always even therefore n-1 is even, hence n is odd.

Binary Search Tree

Spanning tree

Example ↓

Fundamental circuit

  • Video lecture ⇗
  • Let G be a connected graph & T is spanning tree with respect to G.
  • A circuit formed by adding a chord to spanning tree T is called fundamental circuit.
  • G graph having 'e' edges & 'n' vertices and T is spanning tree with respect to G having n-1 branches & (e - n + 1) chords.
    ∴(e - n + 1) fundamental circuits can be formed.

All spanning tree of a complete graph.

  • If there are 'n' vertices then nn-2 spanning trees are possible.

Example: Find all spanning tree of following complete graph ↓

Minimal Spanning tree

Kruskal's algorithm

There are 4 steps

  1. List all the edge weight of the graph G in ascending order of weight.
  2. Select edge with smallest weight, this is the first edge of spanning tree T. In case there exist more than one of smallest weight, arbitarily choose one of them.
  3. Select from all the remaining edges of G having smallest value that does not form a circuit with the edges already included in T.
  4. Continue step 3 until (n-1) edges have been selected, these edges will constitute the required shorted spanning tree.

Find the minimal spanning tree using Kruskal’s algorithm ↓