Data Communication and Computer Networks

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Unit No.



Basics of Computer Networks ⇗:

  • Computer Network, Definition, Goals, Applications, Components, Topology and its types, Types of Networks, (LAN, MAN, WAN, Internet), Broadcast & Point-To-Point Networks, Modes of transmission (Serial, Parallel, Synchronous, Asynchronous and Isochronous).
  • Modes of Communication : Simplex, Half Duplex, Full Duplex, Protocols and Standards.
  • Network Models : Design issues of the layer, Protocol Hierarchy
  • ISO-OSI Reference Model : Internet Model, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Ports, and Comparison of ISO-OSI and Internet Model. Multiplexing (FDM, WDM and TDM), and switching (Circuit switching, Packet Switching and Comparison of both)


Encoding and modulation ⇗:

  • Physical layer Introduction, Functions and services of physical layer, Signals and their characteristics, Analog & Digital Signals, Bandwidth, Bitrate, Baudrate, Binary to Digital Encoding (Unipolar, Polar, Bipolar), Analog to Digital (PCM), Digital to Analog Conversion (ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM), Analog to Analog Modulation (AM, FM, PM).
  • Transmission Media: Types of Transmission Media, Guided Media (Wired): Coaxial Cable, Twisted Pair: UTP, STP, Connectors. Fiber Optics Cable, Advantages & disadvantages, Unguided Media (Wireless), Wireless Transmission, Radio Waves, Infra-Red, Micro-Wave.


Data Link Layer ⇗:

  • Datalink Layer Introduction & Design issues, Functions of DLL & Services provide to network layer, Framing, Error control. LAN protocols: Ethernet Basic Features, Types, IEEE802.3, IEEE802.4, IEEE 802.5 Frame format,
  • Medium Access Methods :Random access protocols, Collision free protocols, Token passing protocols, Flow Control: Stop-n-wait protocol, Sliding window protocol.
  • Flow Control: Stop-n-wait protocol, Sliding window protocol


Network Layer ⇗:

  • Network layer services and functions, IPv4 frame format, IP addressing, Introduction to Routing, Concept of Intranet & Extranet.
  • Internetworking Devices: Categories of Connectivity Devices, Hubs, Repeaters, Bridges, Switches, Gateways.


Transport Layer: ⇗:

  • TCP protocol and its frame format, User Datagram Protocol, Services of TCP and UDP protocol.
  • Application Layer: Domain Name System, Simple Network Management Protocol, Electronic mail (SMTP, POP3 and IMAP4), File Transfer Protocol, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, Telnet.