Java Programming

Details of the course ↓

Unit No.



Introduction to Java ⇗:

  • Importance and features of Java, Concepts of Java Virtual machine (JVM) Keywords, Constants, Variables and data types, operators and expressions, Control statements, Conditional statements, loops and iterations.

Object Oriented Programming concepts:

  • Inheritance, super classes, multilevel hierarchy, abstract and final classes, overloading and overriding.

String and Arrays

  • Defining arrays, Object Array,2-D arrays, String , String Buffer ,Command Line arguments ,Wrapper classes, Upcasting and Downcasting.


Packages and Exception Handling : ⇗:

  • Packages, Defining Packages, Using Packages, import and static import, Access protection.

Exception handling:

  • Exception Types, Exception class, RuntimeException Class, Error Class, Checked and uncheced Exceptions, Defining new exceptions; Handling: try, catch and finally; throw statement, throws clause.


Multithreaded programming: ⇗:

  • Java thread model, Thread synchronization, messaging, thread class, Runnable interface, inter thread communication.

Object Lifetime:

  • Garbage Collection, Reachable Objects.


  • File, Character and Byte Stream, Object Serialization.

Collection and Generic Framework:

  • Introduction to collection and generic framework: Interfaces Iterator, List, Set, ArrayList, Jar Utilities.


Applet ⇗:

  • Applet basics, Applet Architecture, Applet Life cycle; Event Handling: Event handling mechanisms, the Delegation Event Model, Event classes, sources of events, Event Listener Interfaces, Adapter classes

Event Handling:

  • Event delegation model, classes, Event Listener Interfaces, Adapter classes.



  • Concept of JDBC, JDBC Driver Types, JDBC Packages, Database Connection, Associating the JDBC/ODBC Bridge with the Database, JDBC URL, Statement Objects, ResultSet, Transaction Processing, commit, savepoint, rollback, ResultSet Metadata, Database Metadata, Data Types, SQL Exception, Prepared Statement, Callable Statement, Batch updates. Storing and Retrieving images via JDBC.