Web Technologies

Details of the course ↓

Unit No.



Exploring Web Tech Foundations ⇗:

  • History of the Internet and World Wide Web, Gopher, HTML Protocols – HTTP, SMTP, POP3, MIME, IMAP. FTP, Telnet, Load Balancing, Web server and Application server, Email, ISP, URL address, DNS. Static VS Dynamic Websites, and Website VS Web Applications.



  • Basic Tags of HTML, Creating Links, Tables, Frames, forms etc. Style sheet - Cascading Style Sheets: Introduction to Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), three ways of introducing the style sheets to your document. Basic Syntax; Creating and saving cascading style sheets. <STYLE> tag.


Extensible Markup Language (XML) ⇗:

  • Introduction of XML, Features of XML, Advantages and Disadvantages of XML, HTML VS XML, XML Tree, XML DTD, and XML DOM.


Client Side Scripting ⇗:

  • Introduction to JavaScript, Advantage and disadvantages of JavaScript, Datatype - Variable - Array - Operator and Expression - Looping Constructor – Function, - Dialog box, DOM, Date and Time, Event Handling, External JavaScript, Form Validation, and cookies.


PHP ⇗:

  • Introduction to PHP , Install PHP, A First PHP Web Page , Variables, DataType, Expressions ,Control Statements , Functions , Arrays, String Handling in PHP, PHP Form, Cookie and Session, PHP MYSQLi.