Details of the course ↓

Unit No.



Introduction to Android ⇗:

  • Introduction of Android, OHA, Features of Android, History, versions, Android Architecture, Android core building blocks, Android Emulator.
  • Configuring Android Development Environment: Downloading and installing JDK and Net beans, Downloading and installing Android Studio.
  • Creating First Android App: Creating new Android Project, Creating AVD.
  • Android project files: Android Manifest.xml,,, activity_main.xml etc.
  • Android Tools: DVM, AVD Manager, Android SDK Manager, Android Emulator, DDMS, resource folder.


App Components ⇗:

  • Activity, Service, Broadcast Receiver, and Content Provider.
  • Activity: Creating an Activity, Starting an Activity, Lifecycle of an Activity.
  • Views: Button, Text View, Edit Text, Radio Button, Image View, Toast, Adapter, Spinner, List View, Grid View, ToggleButton, AutocompleteTextview.


Intent :

  • What is Intent, Why Intent? Types of Intent, Intent Filters.
  • Android Menu.
  • User Interface: layout types and attributes, UI controls.
  • Event handling
  • Widgets: CheckBox, RadioButton, Alert Dialog, List View, Date Picker, Time Picker, Progress Bar.


SQLite database :

  • Introduction to SQLite Database and SQLiteOpenHelper class.
  • Querying a database: Inserting, searching, updating and deleting a record.


Telephony :

  • Understanding TelephonyManager class, display phone information, phone call state.
  • SMS: Introduction of SmsManager Class, Sending and receiving sms. Introduction of Sensor devices.