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Circular Linked List and Operations


A circular linked list is a linked list hwere the last element points to the first element (head) heance forming a circular chain. There is no node pointing to the NULL, indicating the absence of any end node. In circular linked lists, we have head pointer but no starting of this list.
Refer to the illustration of a circular linked list below:

Creating the circular linked list:

Creating a circular linked list is no different from creating a singly linked list. One thing we do differently is that instead of having the last element to point to NULL, we'll make it to point to the head.

struct Node
int data;
struct Node *next;
int main(){

struct Node *head;
struct Node *second;
struct Node *third;
struct Node *fourth;

// Allocate memory for nodes in the linked list in Heap
head = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
second = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
third = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
fourth = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

// Link first and second nodes
head->data = 4;
head->next = second;

// Link second and third nodes
second->data = 3;
second->next = third;

// Link third and fourth nodes
third->data = 6;
third->next = fourth;

// Terminate the list at the third node
fourth->data = 1;
fourth->next = head;

return 0;

Operations on a circular Linked List:

Opearations on circular linked lists can be performed exactly like a singly linked list. It's just that we have to maintain an extra pointer to check if we have gone through the list once.


  • Traversal in a circular linked list can be achieved by creating a new struct Node* pointer p, which starts from the head and goes through the list until it points again at the head. So, this is how we go through this circle only once, visiting each node.
  • And since traversal is achieved, all the other operations in a circular linked list become as easy as doing things in a linear linked lit.
  • One thing that may have sounded confusing to you is that there is a head but no starting of this circular linked list. Yes, that is the case: we have this head pointer just to start or incept in this list and for or convenience while operating on it. There is not first element here.
    So this was introducing you all to this variant of linked lits.

void linkedListTraversal
(struct Node *head){
struct Node *ptr = head;
printf("Element is %d\n", ptr->data);
ptr = ptr->next;

Inserting into a circular linked list:

struct Node * insertAtFirst(struct Node *head, int data){
struct Node * ptr = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
ptr->data = data;

struct Node * p = head->next;
while(p->next != head){
p = p->next;
// At this point p points to the last node of this circular linked list

p->next = ptr;
ptr->next = head;
head = ptr;
return head;
