We can now consider a singly linked list. Follow the illustration below.
Consider this linked list functioning as a stack. And as you know, we have two sides of a linked list, one the head, and the other pointing to NULL. We consider top of stack at the head side.
Why the head side? Because that's the head node of the linked list, and insertion and deletion of a node at head happens to function in a constant time complexity, O(1). Whereas inserting or deleting a node at the last position
takes a linear time complexity, O(n).
So that stack equivalent of the above illustrated linked list look something like this:
Stacks when implemented with linked lists never get full. We can always add a node to it. There is no limit on the number of nodes a linked list can contain until we have some space in heap memory. Where as stacks become empty when there is no node in
the linked list, hence when the top equals to NULL.
Condition of stack full : When heap memory is exhausted .
Condition for stack empty: top == NULL
We will refer head node as the top node.
These interpretations will heap us implement the operations, isEmpty and isFull.
Before writing the codes, we must discuss the algorithm we'll put into operations. Let's go through them one by one.
1. isEmpty: It just checks if our top element is NULL.
2. isFull: A stack is full, only if no more nodes are being created using malloc. This is the condition where heap memory gets exhausted.
3. Push The first thing we need before pushing an element is to create a new node. Check if the stack is not already full. Now, we follow the same concept we learnt while inserting an element at the head or at the index
0 in a linked list. Just set the address of the current top in the next member of the new node, and update the top element with this new node.
4. Pop: First thing is to check if the stack is not already empty Now, we follow the same concept we learnt while deleting an element at the head or at the index 0 in a linked list. Just update the top pointer with the next
node, skipping the current top.
int isEmpty(struct Node* top){
if (top==NULL){
return 1;
return 0;
We don't have to make it seperate function as we can intend this in push function if the new node gets created that means there is space in heap
int isFull(struct Node* top){
struct Node* p = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
return 1;
return 0;
struct Node* push(struct Node* top, int x){
printf("Stack Overflow\n");
struct Node* n = (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
n->data = x;
n->next = top;
top = n;
return top;
Here we are passing the address of top, this can be avoided if we will declare top as base address.
int pop(struct Node** top){
printf("Stack Underflow\n");
struct Node* n = *top;
*top = (*top)->next;
int x = n->data;
return x;
This operation is meant to return the element at a given position. Do mind that the position of an element is not the same as the index of an element. In fact, there is nothing as an index in a linked list. Refer to the illustration below.
Peeking in a stack linked list is not as efficient as when we worked with arrays. Peeking in a linked list takes O(n) because it first traverses to the position where we want to peek in. So, we’ll just have to move to that node and return its data.
int peek(struct Node *top, int pos)
struct Node *ptr = top;
for (int i = 0; i < pos - 1 && ptr != NULL; i++)
ptr = ptr->next;
if (ptr != NULL)
return ptr->data;
return -1;
This operation just returns the topmost value in the stack. That is, it just returns the data member of the top pointer.
int stackTop(struct Node *top)
return top->data;
This operation just returns the topbottom value in the stack. That is, it just returns the data member of the bottom element.
int stackBottom(struct Node *top)
struct Node *ptr = top;
while (ptr->next != NULL)
ptr = ptr->next;
return ptr->data;
struct Node
int data;
struct Node *next;
void linkedListTraversal(struct Node *top)
while (top != NULL)
printf("%d->", top->data);
top = top->next;
int isEmpty(struct Node *top)
if (top == NULL)
return -1;
return 0;
struct Node *push(struct Node *top, int data)
struct Node *p = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
if (p == NULL)
printf("Stack overflow");
p->data = data;
p->next = top;
top = p;
return top;
int pop(struct Node **top)
if (isEmpty(*top))
printf("Stack underflow");
struct Node *n = *top;
int x = n->data;
*top = (*top)->next;
return x;
int peek(struct Node *top, int pos)
struct Node *ptr = top;
for (int i = 0; i < pos - 1 && ptr != NULL; i++)
ptr = ptr->next;
if (ptr != NULL)
return ptr->data;
return -1;
int stackTop(struct Node *top)
return top->data;
int stackBottom(struct Node *top)
struct Node *ptr = top;
while (ptr->next != NULL)
ptr = ptr->next;
return ptr->data;
int main()
struct Node *top = NULL;
top = push(top, 34);
top = push(top, 36);
top = push(top, 38);
// push(top, 36);
int element = pop(&top);
printf("The element at position %d is %d\n",0,peek(top,8));
printf("The element at top is %d",stackTop(top));
return 0;