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Linked Representation Of Binary Tree

See how a tree looks in real life, and how efficiently the linked representation of a tree helps us visualize the same

First a node is created which stores data and two struct node pointers to store childrens


                            struct node{
                                int data;
                                struct node *left;
                                struct node *right;

Create a root node and assign to it the memory in heap.


                                struct node* createNode(int data){
                                    struct node *n; // creating a node pointer
                                    n = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); // Allocating memory in the heap
                                    n->data = data; // Setting the data
                                    n->left = NULL; // Setting the left and right children to NULL
                                    n->right = NULL; // Setting the left and right children to NULL
                                    return n; // Finally returning the created node

Create children node and link them with root nodes


                                struct node *p = createNode(2);
                                struct node *p1 = createNode(1);
                                struct node *p2 = createNode(4);

                                p->left = p1;
                                p->right = p2;