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Introduction to Graphs

What is a Graph?

Nodes/Vertices and Edges:

  • A vertex or node is one fundamental unit/entity of which graphs are formed.
  • Nodes are the data containing parts, connected with each other using edges.
  • An edge is uniquely defined by its 2 endpoints or the two nodes it is connecting.
  • You can take the analogy of people in a network, or a widespread chain, where people could be representing the nodes and their connections in the network could be represented using edges.
  • It is a structure.

Formal Definition of graph:

  • A graph G = (V, E) is technically a collection of vertices and edges connecting these vertices.
  • Follow the below illustrated graph for reference
  • Here, V is the set of all the vertices. Therefore V = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5) and E is the set of all edges, therefore E = {(0, 1), (1, 2), (0, 4), (4, 3), (3, 5), (2, 5), (2, 3)}
  • Every edge connects the poir they are represented with.
  • Edge (0, 1) connects node 0 to 1.
  • And, hence a graph is always represented using its set of vertices, V and its set of edges, E in the form G = (V, E).

Applications of graphs

  • Graphs have a wide range of applications in our world.
  • Learning also becomes a necessity for anyone pursuing software development due to its applications
  • Graphs are used to model social networks such as facebook or linkedin.
  • Graphs are also used to monitor website backlinks, internal employee networks, etc.
  • Major use would be Maps application like google maps
  • Another major application is their use to solve problems like is there a path between two locations on a map and if there is, which one is the shortest.

Types of Edges:

  1. Directed Edge ↓
    • A directed edge is an edge connecting two nodes but strictly defines the way it is connected from and to.
    • The analogy of facebook's follow feature, where if you follow someone, then it's not that the other person followed you too. It's just one way
    • Another great example is that of a hyperlink, where one can even link google.com to their own websites on the internet, but then google.com would not necessarily link your website to their page.
  2. Undirected Edge ↓
    • An undirected edge is an edge connecting two nodes without any defined way.
    • Below example shows node 1 connecting to node 2, and at the same time node 2 connecting to node 1.
    • You can take the analogy of facebook's friend feature, where if you make someone a friend, they you too become their friend, so it's both ways.

According to the type of edges that a graph has, graphs can be further divided into two types.

Types of graphs

  1. Directed graphs ↓
    • Directed graphs are graphs having each of its edges directed.
    • One examples of directed graphs is :
  2. Undirected Graphs ↓
    • The graphs having each of its edges are undirected.
    • One of the examples of directed graph is :

Indegree and Outdegree of a node

  • Indegree of a node is the number of edges coming to the node
  • Outdegree of a node is the number of edges originating from that node.
  • Consider the directed graph below
  • We can write the indegree represented by in and outdegree represented by out, in the above graphs for each of these nodes.

Let's talk about one real-life example of graphs - a graph of users - Facebook!

  • Althoug the users using facebook need not understand the graph theory, once you create your profile here, facebook uses graphs to model relationships between nodes.
  • We can apply graphs algorithms to suggest friends to people, calculate the number of mutual friends, etc.
  • Other examples of graphs include the result of a web crawl for website or for the entire would wibe web, city routes as seen on Google Maps, etc. Further more, different search engines have different web network models