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Total Quality Management

Characteristics of TQM

Principles of TQM

Focus on the customer

  • It is important to identify the organization's customers.
  • External customers consume the organization's product or service.
  • Internal customers are employees who receive the output of other employees.

Employee involvement

  • Since the quality is considered the job of all employees, employees should be involved in quality intitiatives.
  • Front line employees are likely to have the closest contact with externl customers and thus can make the most valuable contribution to quality.
  • Therefore, employees must have the authority to innovate and improve quality.

Continous improvement

  • The quest for quality is a never ending process in which people are continously working to improve the performance, speed and number of features of the product or service.
  • Continous improvement means that small, incremental improvement that occurs on a regular basis will eventually add up to vast improvement in quality.

Benefits of TQM

Advantages of TQM

Disadvantages of TQM