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What is crisis?

Characteristics of Crisis

Why crisis?

Crisis can arise in an organization due to any of the following reasons:

Crisis Management

Need of crisis management

  • Crisis Management prepares the individuals to face unexpected developments and adverse conditions in the organization with courage and determination.
  • Employees adjust well to the sudden changes in the organization.
  • Employees can understand and analyze the causes of crisis and cope with it in the best possible way.
  • Crisis Management helps the managers to devise strategies to come out of uncertain conditions and also decide on the future course of action.
  • Crisis Management helps the managers to feel the early signs of crisis, warn the employees against the aftermaths and take necessary precautions for the same.

Essential Features of Crisis Management

  • Crisis Management includes activities and processes which help the managers as well as employees to analyze and understand events which might lead to crisis and uncertainty in the organization.
  • Crisis Management enables the managers and employees to respond effectively to changes in the organization culture.
  • It consists of effective coordination amongst the departments to overcome emergency situations.
  • Employees at the time of crisis must communicate effectively with each other and try their level best to overcome tough times.

Points to keep in mind during crisis

  • Don't panic or spread rumours around. Be patient.
  • At the time of crisis the management should be in regular touch with the employees, external clients, stake holders as well as media.
  • Avoid being too rigid. One should adapt well to changes and new situtations.

Types of crisis
