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Kinds of noun

Common Noun

  • Common nouns are words used to name general items rather than specific ones.
  • Dog = common noun
    Dog's name = proper noun

Proper noun

  • A proper noun is a noun that is used to denote a particular person, place or thing.
  • A special rule that applies to proper nouns is that they are always capitalized regardless of where they appear in a sentence.
  • Example of proper noun
    • Abraham Lincoln (proper noun) was the president (common noun) of the United States of America (proper noun)<. /li>

Collective Nouns

  • Collective nouns are names for a collection or a number of people or things.
  • Words like group, herd, and array are collective noun examples.

Abstract Noun

  • An abstract noun is "a noun denoting something immaterial and abstract".
  • Another common way to think about abstract nouns is that they refer to things that you cannot experience with the five sense.


  • happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, disgust, joy, fear, anxiety, hope.

Ideas, concepts and beliefs

  • dedication, cruelty, justice, Christianity

Material Noun

  • Material noun is the name given to the material, substance or things made up of alloy.
  • It refers to the type of substance instead of individual particles of the substance.

Rules of noun

1- Some of the collective nouns, which are used with plural verbs.

  • Examples → Cattle, Majority, People, Folk, Poultry.
  • When these nouns denote member or Individual, the verb is used in plural form.
  • Sentence example
    • Cattle are grazing in the field.
    • The Committee is divided and there is a quarrel among the members.
    • His family is not agreed on my proposal.

2- Uncountable nouns are always used in the singular form only.

Indefinite article 'A/An' is not used before them.

They never used with plural verbs.

Much or some are used in the place of many for denoting plurality.

  • Examples of some uncountable nouns are-
    • Advice, Information, Hair, Luggage, Work, Word.
  • Examples
    • you gave me information.
    • You should be true to your word.
    • He was punished for committing mischieft.

3- Some noun like Offspring, Deer, Fish, Sheep etc is used as both singular form or plural form by using the verb.

Example sentences-

  • Deer are one of the most beautiful animals on the planet.
  • A deer is grazing in the field.

4- Some of the nouns ending with 's or es' are used with a singular verb.

Example sentences

  • Some people believe that politics is a dirty game.
  • A series of matches is going to be played on this ground.

5- Some of the nouns are generally used in the plural form with plural verbs.

Example sentences

  • My scissors are not sharp.
  • My spectacles are very costly.

6- A compound noun ( Numerical + Noun ) is not used in the plural.


  • Ten-day tour.
  • A ten-mile race.
  • A ten-year-old boy.
  • Five-foot-long room.

7- Noun expressing numbers are used in singular with numerical adjectives.

Example - Two hundred, Five thousand, Five dozen, Two million etc

Example sentennces-

  • I gave hime two thousand rupees.
  • He gave him five million dollars.

8- The use of 's is not correct in the case of non living things, it is restricted to living things only.


10- Two nouns in the possessive case denote plural form. When one noun is in the possessive case it denotes singular form.

Example sentences-

  • Rahul and sheema's father ( it denotes, the father of both )
  • Rahul's and Seema's father are good friends. ( it denotes the father of Rahul and Semma are different ).


Before studying noun we should know what is 'parts of speech'.
Different part which makes a sentence

Concept of Noun

Types of Nouns

1- Common Noun

  • It is the common name given to person, place, item or a thing. It starts from capital word only while appearing at the beginning of the sentence.
  • Example → boys, city, game, book, car, planet, teacher, school, monument, mobile phone, ... so on.

2 - Proper Noun

  • It is the opposite of common noun.
  • A proper noun refers to the specific name given to any person, place or a thing.
  • A proper noun always begins with capital letters, no matter where they occur within a sentence.
  • Example → Mumbai, Sachin Tendulkar, MS Dhoni, English, Cricket, Taj Mahal, I-phone, etc

3- Collective Noun

  • They are names given to represent a group of people, animaks, or things.
  • Examples
    • A bunch of Grapes.
    • A class of students.
    • A flock of birds.
    • A series of event.
    • A team of players.
    • A herd of cattle, group, committe, gang, board, etc.
  • Common noun doesn't represent a group but collective noun does.

4- Abstract Noun

  • It is something which you can't see, taste, hear or touch.
  • Example
    • Love, hatred, anger, joy, desire, goodwill etc

5- Material Noun

  • These are the names given to the material, substance or things made up of something.
  • Example
    • Air, cloth, metal, gold, diamond, glass, fibre, etc.

6- Countable Noun

  • The noun which can be counted.
  • Example
    • Apple, chair, seconds, pen, bag, bottle, carrot, burgers, rupees, etc.
  • Both countable and uncountable noun are subcategory of proper and common nouns.

6- Uncountable Noun

  • The noun which can't be counted.
  • Example
    • Water, knowledge, sugar, money, oil, rice, milk, furniture, etc.

Why to know about noun?

Sentence = subject + verb + object

Points to remember

  1. "s" at the end doesn't mean it is plural
    Eg - Mathematics, Physics, News, Innings, Politics, Economics, Ethics, Athletics, Linguistics, Measles, Progress, Optics, Mechanics, etc.
    Mathematics are a subject ✗
    Mathematics is a subject ✓
  2. Some noun are always "plural"
    Eg - Spectacles, Scissors, Sunglasses, Goggles, Trousers, Pants, Savings, Troops, Wages, Belongings, Thanks, Amends, Alms, Braces, Tongs.
    People, Children, Cattle, Clothes, Pliers, congratulations, headphones, remains.
    As these examples have two things in it, like spectacles have 2 glasses.
  3. Uncountable Noun have singular verb
    Eg - Scenery, Stationary, Electricity, Music, Knowledge, furniture, jewellery, hair, information, traffic, poetry, etc.
  4. Note - sometime verb and adjective get converted to noun
    Ex - Honest(not noun) - honesty(noun)
    swim(verb) - swimming(noun) - Swimming is good for our health. ( here swimming is not being used as a verb, it is concept )
    Just think it as a name of something.
  5. Some nouns does not have plural form their singular and plural form is same.
    Eg - Deer, sheep, series, fish, aircraft, counsel, jury(judges).
  6. Singular verb is used with collective noun
    Eg - The team is heading for practice. (working as a group)
    The team are eating with their families.(not working as a group)
    The committee has submitted its report.
    The committee are allowed to go to meet their families.
  7. Neuter Gender (neither feminine nor muscular)
    small baby (don't use his/her here), collective noun, insects, small creatures etc.
    Eg - The baby loves its mother.
  8. Use Masculine gender for → (Power) Sun, time, death, winter, etc
    Use Feminine gender for → Beauty & grace → Eg - Nature, Earth, Peace.

Noun Rules ⇗

Rule 1 → Some nouns (with 's') are always used in plural form and take a plural verb.

  • Examples → species, alms, scissors, trousers, pants, annals, belongings, odds, fireworks, goggles, binoculors, earnings, sunglasses, clothes, surroundings, stairs etc.
  • Note:- Any nouns which are in the form of pair → use 'pair of' in front of them.
    • scissors, goggles, shoes, trousers, pants, binoculors
    • A pair of scissors, a pair of pants, a pair of binoculors.
  • The annals of World War 1 & 2 are recorded in History.
  • The traveller was robbed of his belongings by dacoits.
  • Most of the deer species are African.
  • We need a pair of binoculars to see celestial objects.
  • When India won the final in 2011, fireworks started.

Rule 2 → The units of measurement can be used in singular and plural form.
If it is preceded by any numeral, it is always singular.

  • Examples → Hundred, thousand, dozen, pair, score, etc.
  • There are thousands people. ✓
    • There are 7 thousands people. ✗
    • There are 7 thousand people. ✓
  • I bought dozens of egg .
    • I bought 8 dozen egg.
  • There were two scores shops in the fair.
    • There were two score shops in the fair. ✓
  • Over then thousands people attend the ground-breaking ceremony of the hotel.
    • Over ten thousand people attended the ground-breaking ceremony of the hotel. ✓
  • Have you seen my new pairs of shoes? ✓
  • According to IBPS, fifty lahks students have filled the Clerk exam in 2019.
    • According to IBPS, fifty lakh students have filled the Clerk exam in 2019. ✓
  • I spent eight hundreds dollar in lunch.
    • I spent eight hundred dollars in lunch. ✓

Rule 3 → One of, some of, each of, every of, either of, neither of, none of, either of, majority of, some of, percentage of, series of, a great deal of, a number of, the number of, etc take a plural noun after them.

  • 3 Idiots is one of the hit Bollywood movie.
    • 3 Idiots is one of the hits Bollywood movies. ✓
  • None of the candidate passed the test.
    • None of the candidates passed the test. ✓
  • We must eat some apple in breakfast.
    • We must eat some apples in breakfast. ✓
  • Each invitees attended the party.
    • Each invitee attended the party. ✓
    • because with each, every, either, neither use singular noun.
    • but with 'each of' use plural noun.
  • Neither of the five thieves confessed the crime that they committed.
    • None of the five thieves confessed the crime that they committed.
    • 'either and neither' is only used with two things.
  • Either students can answer this question.
    • Either student can answer this question. ✓
  • Before wedding I have some works to finish.
    • Before wedding I have some work to finish. ✓
    • 'work' is plural

Rule 4 → There are some nouns which are always used in singular form but in plural sense, so a plural verb is used with them.

  • Examples → cattle(cattles✗), clergy, cavalry(horse riding soldiers), poultry, peasantry, children gentry, cannon etc.
  • The clergy is attending the sermon.
    • The clergy are attending the sermon. ✓
  • Vermin does much harm to crops.
    • Vermin do much harm to crops. ✓
  • Peasantry believes farming depends on weather.
    • Peasantry believe farming depends on weather. ✓
  • Police is registering an FIR against many.
    • Police are registering an FIR against many. ✓
  • The intelluectual gentry supports the CAB.
    • The intelluectual gentry support the CAB. ✓
  • The cattles are grazing in the field.
    • The cattle are grazing in the field. ✓

Rule 5 → Some nouns are always used as singular though they look like plural. So we should never use the 'plural verb with them'.

  • Examples → news, politcs, mathematics, physics, gallows, means, billiards, ethics, summons, innings, darts etc. (whenever you have to use these, use as it is.
  • People say marriage is the 2nd inning of life.
    • People say marriage is the 2nd innings of life. ✓
  • The accused received a summon by the court.
    • The accused received a summons by the court. ✓
  • Boat is the only mean of communication in Sundarban area.
    • Boat is the only means of communication in Sundarban area. ✓
  • Since long no news have been heard of her.
    • Since long no news has been heard of her. ✓

Rule 6 → Some nouns are always used in singular. These are uncountable nouns. We should not use article A/An with such nouns.

  • Examples → scenery, poetry, furniture, advice, information, hair, business, mischief, bread, stationery, crockery, luggage, baggage, knowledge, money, jewellery, determination etc.
  • Vajpayee ji is known for his motivational poetries.
    • Vajpayee ji is known for his motivational poetry/poems. ✓
  • Police asked details of the queen's lost jewelleries.
    • Police asked details of the queen's lost jewellery. ✓
  • The owner sold all his old furnitures.
    • The owner sold all his old furniture. ✓
  • Since long no news have been heard of her.
    • Since long no news has been heard of her. ✓
  • Her long hairs attracted everyone in the party.
    • Her long hair attracted everyone in the party. ✓

Practise Questions on Nouns ⇗

  1. The sceneries of these places do not move my heart upto a great extent.
    • The scenery of these places do not move my heart upto a great extent.
  2. Many opulent(rich) people play billiards(alway singular) in their free time. (no mistake)
  3. Peasantry(kissan) has become an arduous job nowadays in social life of India.
    • Peasantry have become an arduous job nowadays in social life of India.
    • Peasantry looks singular but is plural so plural verb will be used here.
  4. An innings was started by both the teams after their mutual consent.
    • innings do not change.
  5. The news are very significant in terms of corporate's profile.
    • The news is very significant in terms of corporate's profile.
    • news is uncountable noun so singular verb is used here.
  6. I called many women servant for the sake of my household work.
    • I called many women servants for the sake of my household work.
  7. Five thousands rupees was stolen from my pocket yesterday by someone.
    • Five thousand rupees was stolen from my pocket yesterday by someone.
  8. Present government is making different agendas for the problem of naxalities.
    • Present government is making different agenda for the problem of naxalities.
    • no such term as 'agendas'.
  9. I am planning to make some poultries farm for my passion.
    • I am planning to make some poultry farm for my passion.
    • already plural
  10. It is harmful to take cupsful of tea five times a day.
    • It is harmful to take cupfuls of tea five times a day.
    • spoonful - spoonfuls
  11. The present datas show that the illiteracy rate in India has fallen down but not to the level of expectation.
    • The present data show that the illiteracy rate in India has fallen down but not to the level of expectation.
    • 'datas' is not term.
  12. He gave me two important informations, I had been waiting for the previous two months.
    • He gave me two important information, I had been waiting for the previous two months.
    • Important is uncountable noun.
  13. You advice are the proof of your discriminating mind and pragmatic approach.
    • You advice is the proof of your discriminating mind and pragmatic approach.
    • Singular with uncountable noun.
  14. The class teacher gave him a home work and instructed him to do it at night.
    • The class teacher gave him home work and instructed him to do it at night.
    • Before uncountable noun 'article' is not used.
  15. My sister has read pages after pages of Bible.
    • My sister has read page after page of Bible.
  16. I went to the temple with my parents, aunts and cousin sisters.
    • I went to the temple with my parents, aunts and cousin.
    • There is no term like 'cousin sisters' and 'cousin brothers'.
    • woh mera cousin brother hai ✗
    • He is my cousin.
    • She is my cousin.
  17. The table's legs have been elaborately carved.
    • The legs of the table have been elaborately carved.
    • "'s" is not used with non living things.
  18. whenever he goes to Mumbai he stays in five-stars hotels.
    • whenever he goes to Mumbai he stays in five-star hotels.
  19. The company has ordered some new equipments.
    • The company has ordered some new equipment.
    • equipment is uncountable noun.
  20. You are among those man who earned name and fame not by chance but by hard work.
    • You are among those men who earned name and fame not by chance but by hard work.
  21. Even after the enactment of several acts and provisions we can see five years old boys working in hazardous factories.
    • Even after the enactment of several acts and provisions we can see five year old boys working in hazardous factories.
  22. She wears spectacle so she was unable to see the gangster that attacked her last night.
    • She wears spectacles so she was unable to see the gangster that attacked her last night.
  23. All the furnitures has been sold for a song as we were in a hurry to leave the town.
    • All the furniture has been sold for a song as we were in a hurry to leave the town.
  24. The haves should not look scornfully at the haves not, rather they should try to encourage them to work hard and earn their livelihood.
    • The haves should not look scornfully at the have nots, rather they should try to encourage them to work hard and earn their livelihood.
  25. The wall of this magnificent building is fifty foot high and its paintings are very striking.
    • The wall of this magnificent building is fifty feet high and its paintings are very striking.
    • 5 ft 2 in = 5 feet 2 inches.
  26. In today meeting we must first discuss and thrash out the problem one by one.
    • In today's meeting we must first discuss and thrash out the problem one by one.
    • with date, time, measurement related words "'s" can be used
  27. Sunrise is a great phenomena.
    • Sunrise is a great phenomenon.
    • article 'a' is used which means it should be singular.
  28. Very few soldiers dared to turn a deaf ear their commander's in-Chief order.
    • Very few soldiers dared to turn a deaf ear their commander in-Chief's order.
  29. Success in money making is not always a good criteria of real success in life.
    • Success in money making is not always a good criterian of real success in life.
  30. There have been ten woman doctors in our colony.
    • There have been ten women doctors in our colony.
  31. They go to Agra during summer vacations.
    • They go to Agra during summer vacation.
    • uncountable
  32. He got only passing marks.
    • He got only pass marks.
  33. This is my son's in law house.
    • This is my son in law's house.
    • compound noun
  34. The committee was divided on this issue.
    • The committee were divided on this issue.
    • Sense of member is coming.
  35. These are few peoples who are really honest.
    • These are few people who are really honest.
  36. My friend bought two dozens eggs.
    • My friend bought two dozen eggs.
  37. Trousers is in short supply.
    • Trousers are in short supply.
  38. The police is investigating the matter.
    • he police are investigating the matter.
  39. The jury was divided in opinion.
    • The jury were divided in opinion.
  40. He put his sign to the letter.
    • He put his signature to the letter.
  41. The chair is made of a wood.
    • The chair is made of wood.
  42. His answer is full of blunder mistakes.
    • His answer is full of blunder.
    • His answer is full of mistakes.
  43. Do you like vegetable?
    • Do you like vegetables?
    • Its always 'fruit and vegetables'.
    • Its always 'fruit'.
  44. Although she has studied English, she is to learn the ........(alphabet/alphabets)
    • alphabet
  45. There are two ....... (scores/score) of books which are lying unused in the library.
    • score
  46. Children are prone to making ......(mischeifs/mischief)
    • mischief
  47. .........(sheep are/sheeps are) economically usefull so they are reared in the hills.
    • sheep
  48. I have not gone through the letter so I am not aware of its ........(content/contents)
    • contents
  49. The .......(roof of the building/building's roof) needs repairing.
    • (roof of the building).
  50. You should always be true to your ........(word/words) if you are to succed in life.
    • word → vada
  51. I visited .......(John and Mary's/John's and Mary's) house twice but found the couple absent.
    • John and Mary's
  52. It is pity that even .......(child/chilren) are engaged in hazardous factories.
    • children
  53. I gave hime two hundred .......(rupee/rupees) notes for buying a new toy.
    • rupee
  54. America's problems are however not so serious and awful as ........(India's/of India).
    • India's
  55. I don't think it is your house, it is ..........(somebody else's/somebody's else).
    • somebody else's
  56. She misplaced her .........(spectacle/spectacles) and is now feeling great difficulty in studying.
    • spectacles
  57. The Arabian nights ......(are/is) a collection of very interesting episodes of adventures.
  58. 'is' as it is a name of a book.
  59. I hope to visit my uncle only next year during summer ........(vacation/vacations).
    • vacation
  60. The life of the rich is not in many ways as peaceful as that of the ........(poors/poor).
    • poor
  61. ..........(The wood of the table/The wood's table) is infested with mite and I am likely to dispose it off.
    • not 's
  62. I can not come to you now because (a lot of works/a lot of work) remains to be done.
    • a lot of work
  63. Your tone of speaking as well as .......(yours friends'/your friends')tone is extremely sarcastic.
    • your friend's
  64. I saw only five .....(police/policemen) who were running after the bank robbers.
    • policemen
  65. All the ........(chief Ministers/chiefs Miniters) are responsible for the pitiable condition of their states.
    • chiefs Ministers
  66. He says that a .......(two-mile walk/two-miles walk) always keeps him healthy and fresh.
    • two-mile walk
  67. The haves should not look scornfully at the .....(have nots/ haves not)
    • have nots(poor)
  68. All his .......(sisters-in-law/sister-in-laws) are extremely beautiful.
    • sisters-in-law
  69. There is no .......(place/room) in this compartment.
    • room
  70. A .........of events have taken place in this town.(series/serieses)
    • series
  71. This chair is made of .......(wood/woods).
    • wood
  72. Forty ........are grazing in the field.(sheep/sheeps)
    • sheep
  73. You must keep your .......in the locker.(valuable/valuables)
    • valuables
  74. Her ........needs cutting.(hair/hairs)
    • hair
  75. Five .........kilometers is a long distance (hundreds/hundred)
    • hundred
  76. We enjoy the ..........of Keats.(poetry/poeties)
    • poetry
  77. His .......have been stolen from the waiting room.(belonging/belongings)
    • belongings
  78. The Indian .......are known for their bravery and loyalty ........(force/forces)
    • forces
  79. Kanchan has lost her .........(binocular/binoculars)
    • binoculars
  80. A student of English literature must read all the work of Shakespeare.
    • works(sahitya kaam)
  81. Everybody is expected to work for the goods of the country.
    • Everybody is expected to work for the good of the country.
    • 'goods' is used for 'samaan', lugguage
  82. I like the furniture made of woods rather than iron or any other metal.
    • I like the furniture made of wood rather than iron or any other metal.
  83. Without taking pain one cannot progress in life, so we must keep this fact in our mind.
    • Without taking pains(efforts) one cannot progress in life, so we must keep this fact in our mind.
  84. I do not wear imported trouser as it costs me very much.
    • I do not wear imported trousers as it costs me very much.
  85. We should use goggle in order to protect our eyes from the sun.
    • We should use goggles in order to protect our eyes from the sun.
  86. He has recently lost his binoculor somewhere he hasn't lodged complaint about it in any polic station.
    • binoculars
  87. Her hairs are not so straight and silky as yours, because she does not take care of it properly.
    • hair
  88. Can you imagine that she has fifty two pairs of shoes.
    • no error
  89. Could you please lend me five thousands rupees for a week.
    • thousand
  90. Thousand of people came to see the final test match between India and Australia yesterday.
    • thousands
  91. You are in the habit of giving alm to all the beggars who come to you.
    • alms
  92. My belonging had been stolen.
    • belongings
  93. Keep your valuable safe.
    • valuables
  94. Everybody gets the fruit of his doings within this life and here only.
    • fruits(parinaam)
  95. We should eat green vegetable every day to stay fit and fiddle no matter how costly it may be.
    • vegetables
  96. Man is a product of the environment, so we should keep our surrounding neat and clean.
    • surroundings
  97. He has sent you congratulation for your grand success which you achieved at one go.
    • congratulations
  98. The ruin tell us the glorious and superb past of the fort.
    • ruins
  99. I will keep my words to keep you and your parents by all means.
    • word(baat)
  100. A summon is to be issued soon against him for the charge of murder.
    • summons(singular)
    • summonses(plural)
  101. Five summonses have been issued against him for the charge of robbery.✓
  102. She wants to buy some poultries to eat.
    • poulties
  103. We live in an age of machineries, so we can't think to succed without it.
    • machinery
    • Uncountable noun
  104. The rich is getting richer and richer and the poor are getting poorer and poorer.
    • The rich are getting richer and richer and the poor are getting poorer and poorer.
  105. He has been kind enough to give five billion rupees to a poor for their rehabilitation.
    • He has been kind enough to give five billion rupees to the poor for their rehabilitation.
  106. The customer gave a hundred-rupees note to the shopkeeper.
    • rupee
  107. These kind of shirts are rather expensive for him to buy.
    • kinds
  108. The blinds deserve our sympathy, so we must be kind enough for them.
    • blind
  109. My father has ordered some new equipments for his factory.
    • equipment
  110. This is a five-members committe which will deal with this problem.
    • member
  111. He was advised to take two spoonsful medicine once a day.
    • spoonfuls
  112. It is a big blunder which we can't ignore.
    • I is a blunder which we can't ignore.
  113. My cousin brother who lives in America.
    • My cousin brother who lives in America.
  114. This chair's legs are not as strong as those of that chair.
    • chair
  115. An earthquake is a natural phenomena and it is very difficult to get control over it.
    • phenomenon
  116. I reed the whole book and I was highly excited for its content.
    • contents
  117. The fan's blades
    • The blades of the fan
  118. When we entered the theater we found no place to sit even on the bench.
    • When we entered the theater we found no room to sit even on the bench.
  119. All evidences were against him, so he was punished.
    • evidence
  120. This magnificient house is built of stones, sands and irons.
    • stone, sand and iron.
  121. Everybody expects, you must abide by the principal you preach.
    • principle(sithant)
  122. Two and a half hour have passed since I returned from my village.
    • hours
  123. I am sure that he cannot walk even one and a half kilometer.
    • kilometes
  124. This is a five days programme, so I am occupied for five days.
    • day