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Pro → for
pronoun → Those words which are used for noun.
"Pronoun are the words used in place of a noun."

1- Personal Pronouns

There are many pronouns but "I/we/you/they/he/she/It" are very famous so they are in different category called "personal pronoun".

Personal pronoun to hindi conversion

First Person → the one who is speaking

  • I → Mai, mujhe, mera
  • We → hum, hume, hamara

Second person → the one who listens

  • You

Third Person → the one whome we are talking about.

  • They → ve, unhe, unka
  • He/she → voh, use, usne, uska
  • It → yha, ise, iska

Some cases

  • Subject → a person or thing that is being discussed, described, or dealt with.
  • Object → the thing which is recieving the work. A noun or a pronoun that is affected by the action of a verb.
  • Subjective case → when pronoun is subject then personal pronoun remain the same.
  • Possessive case → when ownership is shown
  • Objective case → when pronoun is in object form.

Nominative Case

  • Rahul and me went to market.✗
    • Rahul and I went to market.✓
    • rule → If pronouns are used as subject then subjective case will be used.
  • I and my wife are planning to go abroad.✓
    • because I and my wife are subject.
  • The teacher told Aakash and me to do our homework.✓
    • 'Teacher' is subject and 'Aakash and me' is object.
  • She is as faster as I.✓
    • When there is comparison between two subject then we have to use subjective case.
  • He likes us better than them.✓
    • Here there is no comparison between subject so this is an objective case.

2- Interrogative Pronoun

3- Demonstrative Pronoun

4- Reflexive Pronoun

5- Relative Pronoun

6- Indefinite Pronoun

Case of pronoun

Rule 1 → If three (or more than one) singular personal pronouns of different persons are used together in a sentence then the normal order is 231.

  • Note → The verb is always plural
  • Here 231 → 2nd person then 3rd person and then 1st person.
  • If the sentence is positive in sense then the order is 231 and when the sentence is negative in sense then the order will be 321.
  • Examples ↓
  • You, he and I are watching television.
    • You, he and I are watching television. ✓
  • I, you and she has qualified exam.
    • you, she and I have qualified exam. ✓
  • You, he and I have finished breakfast.
    • You, he and I has finished breakfast.✓
  • She, I and you should start business.
    • YOu, she and I should start business.✓
  • I and you have gone abroad.
    • You and I have gone abroad.✓
  • I and he have bought pencils.
    • He and I have bought pencils.✓

Rule 2 → If three (or more than one) singular personal pronouns of different persons are used together in a sentence but the sense is of crime, flaw or confession of a guilt then the normal order is 123.

  • Note → the verb is always plural.
  • Examples ↓
  • He, I and you have visited Agra.
    • You, he and I have visited Agra. ✓
  • You, he and I are solving puzzles.
    • You, he and I are solving puzzles. ✓
  • You, he and I have robbed the bank.
    • I, You and he have robbed the bank. ✓
    • This is a negative sentence.
  • I and you are playing chess at home.
    • You and I are playing chess at home. ✓
  • You and he is responsible for the loss.
    • You and he are responsible for the loss. ✓

Rule 3 → In case of 3 or more than one plural personal pronouns the order is 123.

  • Note → The verb is always plural.
  • Examples ↓
  • You, we and they are cooking food.
    • we, you and they are cooking food. ✓
  • They, we and you have gone to Pune.
    • we, you and they have gone to Pune. ✓
  • We, you and they are playing match.
    • We, you and they are playing match. ✓

Rule 4 → The possessive case of more than one pronoun used as a common subject is used according to the following :

  • If there is 'I' in group → our
  • If there is 'you' but no 'I' in group → your
  • Absense of 'I' and 'you' → their
  • Example ↓
  • You, he and I have done my homework.
    • You, he and I have done our homework. ✓
  • She and you must finish her meal.
    • You and she must finish your meal. ✓
  • You, she and I are ready for your show.
    • You, she and I are ready for our show. ✓
  • He and she should bring his I-card.
    • He and she should bring their I-card. ✓

Rule 5 & 6 → A → An objective case personal pronoun can not be the subject in a sentence.
B → "To be" is generally followed by a subjective case personal pronoun.

  • "to be" → is/am/are/was/were/be/been/being.
  • Examples ↓
  • You and me are good school friends.
    • You and I are good school friends. ✓
  • None wants to be him.
    • None wants to be he. ✓
  • The judge had no mercy for such a criminal as him.
    • The judge had no mercy for such a criminal as he. ✓

Important Rules ⇗

Rule : A pronoun is always used according to the noun for which it is used.

  • The teacher suggested all the pupils to learn at least some poems to develop its language skills.
    • The teacher suggested all the pupils to learn at least some poems to develop their language skills.

Rule : After a preposition(It is a word or phrase that is used before a noun or pronoun to show place, time, direction, etc), generally an objective case personal pronoun is followed.

  • Some of my colleagues laughed at they as they were sleeping in office during meeting.
    • Some of my colleagues laughed at them as they were sleeping in office during meeting. ✓

Rule : "Let" is always followed by an objective case pronoun.

  • After so many defeats the keeper came forward saying, "Let I be the main stricker of the team".
    • After so many defeats the keeper came forward saying, "Let me be the main stricker of the team". ✓
  • Let he eat food.
    • Let him eat food. ✓

Rule : A reflexive pronoun is used beside the subject to which it emphasizes.

  • Note :- "self" pronouns are either reflexive or emphatic.
    • Pronoun after verb → reflexive and pronoun after subject or at the end of sentence → emphatic.
    • I enjoyed myself in movie.
    • I myself cooked food.
  • My mother makes two cups of coffee every morning herself(emphatic).
    • My mother herself makes two cups of coffee every morning.
    • As 'cups' is not unit of measurement so it is correct here.

Rule : A Reflexive pronoun can never be used as a subject.

  • It is a prestigious matter that Megha and myself have completed Ph.D. in due time.
    • It is a prestigious matter that Megha and I have completed Ph.D. in due time.

Rule : We don't use a Reflexive pronoun with verbs like "adapt, complain, convertrate, sop, get up, hide, lie down, meet, move, relax, remember, shave, shower, sit down etc.

  • It was fortunate that I stopped myself after seeing a snake on my wasy to school.
    • It was fortunate that I stopped after seeing a snake on my wasy to school. ✓

Rule : After a preposition of place or location we use Personal pronoun and not Reflexive.

  • She realized that after the class she had forgotten to put her books next to herself.
    • She realized that after the class she had forgotten to put her books next to her. ✓ (here 'next to' is location).

Rule : "Each other" is used when two people or things perform the same action to the other.

  • Police revealed the fact that the two giants killed each other/one another in the fight.
    • Police revealed the fact that the two giants killed each other in the fight. ✓
    • 'each other/one another' are known as racipocal pronoun.
    • 'each other' → used for 2
    • 'one another' → used for more than 2

Rule : We use reflexive pronouns with verbs like "enjoy, avail, hurt, absent, pride, move, introduce, acquit, resign, reconcile, etc."

  • After the successfull event the organizer introduced in front of the parents and invitees.
    • After the successfull event the organizer introduced himself in front of the parents and invitees.

Rule : The word "self" when used alone, is a Noun, not a Reflexive pronoun.

  • Being a selfish friend he does not help anyone but self.
    • Being a selfish friend he does not help anyone but self. ✓

Important Question

  1. It was quite surprising that such rules do not apply to you and I.
    • It was quite surprising that such rules do not apply to you and me.✓
    • rule → after preposition objective case it used.
  2. He feels his problems are as painful as if not more agonizing than their.
    • He feels problems are as painful as if not more agonizing than theirs. ✓
    • He feels problems are as painful as if not more agonizing than their problems. ✓
    • Note :- here we have to show possesion.
  3. The priest emphasized that it is the duty of all citizens to love each other irrespective of the situation.
    • The priest emphasized that it is the duty of all citizens to love one another irrespective of the situation. ✓
  4. People living in low-lying areas find themselves difficult to cope up with the floods.
    • People living in low-lying areas find it difficult to cope up with the floods. ✓
    • here 'it' is related to the action(cope up with).
  5. Despite the merger the airlines have manged to give its employees the due salary.
    • Despite the merger the airlines have manged to give their employees the due salary. ✓
    • here we need plural pronoun.
  6. The Principal is displeased with us because he does not understand why we object to him coming with the secretary.
    • The Principal is displeased with us because he does not understand why we object to his coming with the secretary. ✓
    • Pronoun used with gerund (coming) should be of possessive case.
  7. Mr. Prakash told his staff that each of they should be able to carry out the work himself in time.
    • Mr. Prakash told his staff that each of them should be able to carry out the work himself in time. ✓
  8. Finally it was decided that you, Moni and I will finish your project together in time.
    • Finally it was decided that you, Moni and I will finish our project together in time. ✓
  9. After the operation the patient has to be put on immunosuppressant so that its immune system does not reject the organ.
    • After the operation the patient has to be put on immunosuppressant so that his immune system does not reject the organ. ✓
  10. It was me who telephoned the firemen when they broke out suddenly in the factory.
    • It was I who telephoned the firemen when they broke out suddenly in the factory. ✓
  11. It was in a fit of anger when the servant told the owner that he did not want to be a person like he.
    • It was in a fit of anger when the servant told the owner that he did not want to be a person like him. ✓
    • After 'like,let,between' always use objective case pronoun.
  12. One must be careful in his selection of words while talking to others.
    • One must be careful in one's selection of words while talking to others.
    • If 'one' is subject then pronoun used is "one's".
  13. Because of she becoming a newcomer, she was unable to get a good role in the movie.
    • Because of her becoming a newcomer, she was unable to get a good role in the movie.
    • before gerund
  14. As it was Rajan's first interview his parents suggested that he should dress him in his most formal suit.
    • As it was Rajan's first interview his parents suggested that he should dress himself in his most formal suit.
  15. Let she and Amit complete this job as they like to do it without anyone's help.
    • Let her and Amit complete this job as they like to do it without anyone's help.
  16. He is the student who everybody thinks to be briliant, should pass the unit test.
    • He is the student who everybody thinks to be briliant, should pass the unit test.
  17. I and you are expected to do your duty in the interest of the students.
    • You and I are expected to do our duty in the interest of the students.
  18. My father and myself are great followers of the tenets of socialism and will vote according to his wish.
    • My father and I are great followers of the tenets of socialism and will vote according to our wish.
  19. The book is very interesting and it's theme is completely based on the current social topics.
    • The book is very interesting and its theme is completely based on the current social topics.
    • It's → it is/it has, its → possessive case of 'it'
  20. The company has appointed some consultants to help them increase its revenue and improve its financial position.
    • The company has appointed some consultants to help it increase its revenue and improve its financial position.
  21. When a group of teenagers visits an entertainment centre little did they know that even a silly mistake can lead to hospital.
    • When a group of teenagers visits an entertainment centre little did it know that even a silly mistake can lead to hospital.
  22. Even after a long trial, the convict was released as the panel was not unanimous in its decision.
    • Even after a long trial, the convict were released as the panel was not unanimous in their decision.

Relative Pronoun ↗

Who (kon/jo/jisne)

  • kon → interrogative
  • jisne/jo → relative pronoun.
  • It is used for and in place of subject.
  • Examples ↓
  • Who(interrogative) are you?
  • He who(relative pronoun) is standing beside me, is my friend.


  • Who + do/does/did + v1 + O.W. ✗
  • Who + "to be" + v3/4 + O.W. ✓
    • "to be" → is/am/are/was/were/be/been/being.
    • Auxilary verb (helping verb) → is/am/are/was/were/has/have/had
  • Who + do/does/did + not + v1 + O.W. ✓
  • Who does live here? ✗
  • Who wrote this letter? ✓
  • Who does not like my classes? ✓
  • Who did thi job? ✗
  • who has eaten my breakfast? ✓


As a Relative pronoun, it is used for its antecedent.

Rule : The verb after relative pronoun is used according to its antecedant.

  • Questions ↓
  • You are the boy who have done the work.
    • You are the boy who has done the work. ✓
    • 'has' is singular verb and as antecedent is singular.
  • She is one of my friends who is close to me?
    • She is one of my friends who are close to me? ✓
  • I who is the captain, must play this game.
    • I who am the captain, must play this game. ✓
  • Mumbai is one of the cities which is full of tall buildings.
    • Mumbai is one of the cities which are full of tall buildings. ✓

Whom (jise/jisko)

  • Asa Relative pronoun, it is used for the object or the entiry about which something is spoken of.
  • Examples ↓
  • Whom are you calling?
  • Federer whom everyone knows, is a tennis player.

Note : Who always be in place of subject.
→ every verb should be paired with a subject, if there is no subject then it will be 'who'

  • The minister rewarded the man whom helped the poor child.
    • The minister rewarded the man who helped the poor child. ✓
    • Whom help the poor child. → no subject in this sentence so 'who'
  • The woman who everyone thought to be a bandit, was actually a queen.
    • The woman whom everyone thought to be a bandit, was actually a queen. ✓
    • The woman was actually a queen. → senctence 1
    • Who everyone thought to be bandit. → sentence 2 ( subject → everyone, thought → verb, so relative noun will be 'whom').
  • The boy whom fell off his bicycle has hurt his legs.
    • The boy who fell off his bicycle has hurt his legs. ✓
  • Thieves whom the dog bit fled behind the bush.
    • Thieves whom the dog bit fled behind the bush. ✓
  • He is a rogue who none trusts.
    • He is a rogue whom none trusts. ✓
  • The players who he selects will play in the match.
    • The players whom he selects will play in the match. ✓
  • Whom do you think is going to win the match?
    • Who do you think is going to win the match? ✓

Which/that uses

Rules ↓

  • 1 person + and + 1 animal/thing = that
  • Everyone, everything etc. (in form of antecedent) = who/that
  • Superlative Degree (best, tallest, laziest, sweetest)= that(for thing)/who
  • All (person_ = who/that
  • All (animal/thing) = that
  • Preposition(with,on) = which/whom
  • The same, none, any = that
  • The + noun = who/that
  • Interrogative sentence = that/who

  • Examples ↓
  • The lady and her dog who entered the hall were stopped by some policemen.
    • The lady and her dog that entered the hall were stopped by some policemen. ✓
  • The girl whom is carting a basket is my classmate.
    • The girl who is carting a basket is my classmate. ✓
  • He who they thought to be a gentlemen is a rogue.
    • He whom they thought to be a gentlemen is a rogue. ✓
  • This one of the best suggestions which have ever been made by you.
    • This one of the best suggestions that have ever been made by you. ✓
  • This is the same book which I purchased yesterday.
    • This is the same book that I purchased yesterday. ✓
  • May I know who you want to invite please?
    • May I know whom you want to invite please? ✓
  • A woman can do everything what a man can do.
    • A woman can do everything that a man can do. ✓
  • All which glitters is not gold.
    • All that glitters is not gold. ✓
  • Who is here who does not love his country.
    • Who is here that does not love his country. ✓
  • whose is this house which looks beautiful?
    • whose is this house that looks beautiful? ✓