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There are two types of verb


  • Nisha is going to Agra. (is → helping verb & going → main verb)
  • Nisha went to Agra. (went → main verb)
  • Nisha is in Agra. (is → helping verb)

Helping Verb

To tell at which time a work is being done.

There are two types of helping verb

1- Auxiliary(Helping) Verb

  • Do → (both helping and main verb)
  • Be :Is, am, are, was, were, been(already went there)
  • Have : has, have, had

2- Modal verb

  • Modal → a verb (such as can, could, shall, should, ought to, will, or would) that is usually used with another verb to express ideas such as possibility, necessity, and permission. about modal verb ⇗
  • Can, may, should, would, could.

Action/Main Verb

There are two types

1- Transitive

  • Those verbs which needs 'object' to tell complete meaning of a sentence.
  • Example
    • Radha loves(verb) ice-cream(object).
    • I caught(verb) the ball(object).
    • Lata sent(verb) the message.
    • The boys carry(verb) water(object).

2- Intransitive

  • These verb doesn't need object.
  • Example
    • They jumped.
    • The thief ran
    • She sang.
    • A light was shining.
  • Two verb which are always transitive → arrive, die
    • He died.
    • I arrived.

Learn about tenses first

Category of verb according to the modern way

  1. Finite verbs
  2. Infinite verbs

Finite verbs

  • Verbs in which rules of tenses are applied.
    • If the tense if of past then these verb will be of past form and so on.
    • If the subject is singular then they will change.
  • Actually all verbs are finite verbs.
    • Examples
      • He spoke to me. (spoke → in past form)
      • A boy's best friend is his mother.
      • The robbed the bank.
      • She is my sister.
      • We are laughing.

Non-Finite Verbs

  • Main verb have 3 forms out of which infinitive, gerund and participle rules are made.

Verb Forms

Verb Agreement

Types of verb

  1. Main verb &rarr every word in dictionary is main verb.
  2. Auxiliary verb → heling verb these are not used alone is a sentence.
    • Sita is a student. (here 'is' → main verb)
    • Sita is reading a book. (here 'is' → auxiliary verb)
    • To know voice, tense, mood of a sentence we use auxiliary verb.
    • is/am/are/was/were/has/have/had/do/does/did/will/shall/can/could/may/might/should/would/must/ought to/used to/dare/need → these are generally known as auxiliary verbs.
    • is/am/are/was/were → "to be" verb
    • has/have/had → "to have"
    • do/does/did → "to do"
    • "to be + to have + to do" → prime Auxiliary.
    • According to modern english → "to be" → is/am/are/was/were/be/been/being

List of Auxiliary Verb ↓

List of Main verb

  1. Finite Verb
  2. Infinite Verb
  3. Transitive verb
  4. Intransitive verb

Forms of verb

  • v1 → present(plural)
  • v2 → past(no singular/plural)
  • v3 → perfect(no singular/plural)
  • v4 → continous(no singular/plural)
  • v5 → present(singular → verb + s/es.


Verb Rules ⇗

Rule 1 → A singular subject takes a singular verb and a plural subject takes a plural verb.

  • Note → Singular verb (Add s/es) Plural verb (Remove s/es)
  • Examples ↓
  • Nandini cook biryani for her guests.
    • Nandini cooks biryani for her guests. ✓
  • Lawyers were summoned to end their strike sgainst low wages.
    • Lawyers were(plural) summoned to end their strike sgainst low wages. ✓
  • The panel formed under these conditions promulgate not to cut employess' salary despite current slowdown in economy.
    • The panel formed under these conditions promulgates not to cut employess' salary despite current slowdown in economy. ✓
  • China is one of the those world economies which seem to capture, by any means, the world trade market, thereby leading from the front as data suggests.
    • China is one of the those world economies which seem to capture, by any means, the world trade market, thereby leading from the front as data suggest(plural).

Rule 2 → If two different subjects are added by "and", then verb is always plural. → (v1)

  • Examples ↓
  • Some medical students and the Principal has decided to go to an excursion.
    • Some medical students and the Principal have(plural) decided to go to an excursion. ✓
  • My brother and he seems to be ready for the upcoming exams.
    • My brother and he seem(plural) to be ready for the upcoming exams. ✓
  • It is sure that MNREGA and KCC now proves to be successful schemes.
    • It is sure that MNREGA and KCC now prove(plural) to be successful schemes. ✓
  • The economies of France and India contributes a lot to the world economy.
    • The economies of France and India contribute(plural) a lot to the world economy.

Rule 3 → If two same subjects are added by "and", then verb is always singular.

  • Examples ↓
  • It is clear that smoking and liquor causes much harm to lunds and intestines.
    • It is clear that smoking and liquor cause(plural) much harm to lunds and intestines. ✓
    • smoking and liquor are different subject so verb will be plural
  • According to a survey, that law and order of the city have declined drastically.
    • According to a survey, that law and order of the city have declined drastically. ✓
    • law and order are same subjects so verb used will be singular.
  • Police say that the politician and criminal has been arrested.
    • Police say(plural) that the politician and criminal has(singular) been arrested. ✓
    • note → "the noun1 + noun2" = 1 subject
      "the noun1 + the noun2" = 2 subject

Rule 4 → If two subjects are added by "as well as, along with, together with, accompained by, including, no less than", then verb is used according to the first subject.

  • Examples ↓
  • Ravi together with his friends have decided to start a business.
    • Ravi together with his friends has(singular) decided to start a business. ✓
  • The pilot as well as all the passengers were unaware of the danger.
    • The pilot as well as all the passengers was(singular) unaware of the danger. ✓
  • India along with Russia and France seem to extend the lockdown period.
    • India along with Russia and France seems(singular) to extend the lockdown period. ✓

Rule 5 → If two different subjects are added by "either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also", then verb is used according to the second subject.

  • Examples ↓
  • Neither the employees nor the manager apply any register for attendence.
    • Neither the employees nor the manager(2nd subject) applys(singular) any register for attendence. ✓
  • Not only he but also his friends qualified the SBI clerk pre.
    • Not only he but also his friends qualified the SBI clerk pre. ✓
  • Either the businessman or his workers is responsible for the huge loss.
    • Either the businessman or his workers(2nd subject plural) are(plural) responsible for the huge loss. ✓

Rule 6 →

  • Examples ↓
  • Not only dams save water but also produce electricity.
  • He is not only weak in Mathematics but also in Reasoning.
  • Police is involved not only in function but also in management.