Computer Programming and Control Systems
Before learning Assembly Language we should know about all the mnemonics used in different types
- Assembly language → Assembly language is a low-level programming language that is specific to a
particular computer architecture or processor.
- There are many different types of assembly languages, each tailored to a specific CPU architecture
or family of processors. Here are a few notable types of assembly languages:
- x86 Assembly Language: This is one of the most widely used assembly languages and is
associated with the Intel x86 architecture and its variants, including 32-bit and 64-bit
versions. It's used in PCs and many other systems.
- ARM Assembly Language: ARM is a popular architecture used in various devices, including
smartphones, tablets, embedded systems, and more. ARM assembly language is specific to
ARM-based processors.
- Intel 8085 Assembly Language: Associated with the Intel 8085 microprocessor
The following instruction that we are going to learn are of 8085 processor architecture and we are
going to program in intel 8085 assembly language.
Memory reference instructions
These are useful in order to perform operations on operand which are located in the main memory.
- AND → perform AND operation on memory word and accumulator. But directly we can't
perform AND operation on memory word, so we have to transfer the content of memory word into
data register. And in the next CP, AND operation will be performed on DR and AC (accumulator).
DR ← M[AR]
AC ← AC ∧ DR, SC ← 0
- ADD → Add he content of AC to memory word but we can't perform ADD operation
directly with memory word because ALU only works wih DR and accumulator.
DR ← M[AR]
AC ← AC + DR, E ← Cout, SC ← 0
If there is any output carry it will be transfered to flip-flop E.
- LDA → Load Memory word to Accumulator, but from the bus there is no connection to
the accumulator (Bus output doesn't connect to the input of the accumulator) that's why we have
to transfer memory word content to DR and from the DR we can transfer content to the AC.
DR ← M[AR]
AC ← DR, SC ← 0
- STA → Store Accumulator into memory.
M[AR] ← AC
- BUN → Branch Unconditionaly (Jump Unconditionally). So without checking any
condition, if we go from one statement to another statement.
PC → AR, AC ← 0
- BSA → Branch and save Return address
M[AR] ← PC, AR ← AR + 1
- ISZ → Increment and Skip if zero. If we need to increment the content of the memory
and skip the next instruction if the memory word is 0.
Problem - Memory has only two control inputs: 1- Write and 2- Read. Therefore, we can't directly
perform a read operation on the memory. First, we have to transfer the memory word to the Data
Register (DR). Then, in the next control cycle (CP), we increment the DR. Afterward, in the next
CP, we load the DR content back into memory. Now, we can check whether the DR content is zero or
not. If it is zero, then we skip the next instruction by incrementing the program counter value.
DR ← M[AR]
DR ← DR + 1
M[AR] ← DR
if(DR = 0) then PC ← PC + 1
Register Reference instructions
- These are mainly useful inorder to perform operations on the registers.
- We know the opcode value from 0 to 6 are memory reference instructions and in register reference
instructions opcode is 1.
- Register reference instructions are executed when D7I'T3 (T0,
T1, and T2 are used for decoding and fetching) is active.
- The size of accumulator is 16 bit.
Some register reference instructions ↓
- CLA: Clear accumulator ⇒ AC ← 0
- CLE: Clear E (Extended flip-flop, used for storing carry generated during sum) ⇒ E ← 0
- CMA: Compliment accumulator ⇒ AC ← (AC)'
- CME: Compliment E ⇒ E ← E'
- CIR: Circular right shift ⇒ AC ← shr AC, E ← AC(0), AC(15) ← E
- CIL: Circular left shift ⇒ AC ← shl AC, E ← AC(15), AC(0) ← E
- INC: Increment the accumulator ⇒ AC ← AC + 1
- SPA: Skip the next instruction if accumulator is positive ⇒ if(AC(15) = 0 ) then PC ←
PC + 1
- SNA: Skip the next instruction if accumulator is negative ⇒ if(AC(15) = 1) then PC ⇆
PC + 1
- SZA: Skip the next instruction if accumulator is zero ⇒ if(AC = 0) then PC ← PC + 1
- SZE: Skip the next instruction is E flip flop is zero ⇒ if(E = 0) then PC ← PC + 1
- HLT: Stop the program execution ⇒ S ← 0 ( S is start/stop flip flop)
Input-output Reference Instructions
- Let's see how data is transferred from input devices to output devices.

The most common input
device is keyboard. Whenever we type any character with the help of keyboard then the
transmitter interface transmits the character to a register called INPR (input register). At
INPR a flag called FGI is maintained. FGI value is set to 1 if INPR contains a character and if
INPR doesn't contain any character then FGI will be cleared to 0. INPR passes that character to
the accumulator. Next we have OUTR register which receives information from accumulator. At the
OUTR register a flag called FGO is maintained which is intially set to 1. If OUTR contains a
character then FGO will be cleared to 0 (it is reverse to the FGI). Receiver interface receives
the character from the OUTR and provides that character to the monitor. So in this way
transmission will be done.
- We know the size of the intruction format is 16 bit in which first 12 bit specifies I/O
operations and opcode = 111 and address mode bit = 1. We can say the I/O instructions are
executed when the decoders output D7 and I = 1 is active.
Let's discuss the instructions
- INP: Input character to the accumulator ⇒ AC(0-7) ← INPR, FGI ← 0
- Problem: size of INPR register is 8 bit and the size of accumulator is 16 bits, so for
the most significance bit the data will be transfered.
- Bits from 8-15 will be 0.
- As the data is transfered to the accumulator, so the INPR register doesn't contain any
value so the flag value will be set to 0.
- OUT: Output register gets the character from the accumulator ⇒ OUTR ← AC(0-7), FGO
← 0
- OUTR register contains some value so FGO is 0.
- SKI: Skip the input flag ⇒ if(FGI = 1) then PC ← PC + 1
- SKO: Skip the output flag ⇒ if(FGO = 1) then PC ← PC + 1
- ION: Interrupt enable on ⇒ IEN ← 1
- IOFF: Interrupt off ⇒ IEN ← 0
Arithmetic instructions
- Keep in mind : we have to assume that one operand is always inside accumulator and second
operand can be inside other registers (B, C, D, E, H, L).
Let's start with first instruction
- ADD R: addition of accumulator with any given register and store the result back to accumulator.
- ADD R ⇒ A ← A + R
- ADD M: addition of accumulator with data given inside the memory M.
- ADI R: add immediate (data is provided), add the given data to accumulator and store the result
back to accumulator.
- INR R: increment the value of given register.
- INR R ⇒ increment the content stored in register R
- SUB R: subtract the content of R register from accumulator.
- SUB C: A ← A - C, or we can say A ← A + 2's Compliment of C
- SUI 33H: subtract the immediate content from accumulator.
- DCR R: decrement the content of given register R.
Logical instruction
Some of logical instruction are ↓
- CMA: Compliment the content of accumulator and store the result back to accumulator.
- CMP R: compare content of register R with accumulator.
- Note: content of neither A nor R is changed.
- Simply content of register R is subtracted from accumulator and stored in temp register.
- If content of temp register is +ve means accumulator content is greater else content of
register R is greater (temp = 0, both are equal).
Assembly Language
Before learning assembly language we should know about assembler.
- An assembler is a program that accepts a symbolic language program and produces its binary
machine language equivalent.
- The input symbolic program is called the source program and the resulting binary program is
called the object program.
- The assembler is a program that operates on character strings and produces an equivalent binary
One more instruction we have to learn and those are Pseudo instruction.
- A pseudo instruction is not a machine instruction but rather an instruction to the
assembler giving information about some phase of the translation.
- Machine language is a series of 0 and 1, which is not easy for humans to read. Using Assembly
language, programmers can write human-readable programs. Assembly is a low-level programming
language. It uses short codes (mnemonics) to write the programs for example ADD R1, R2. In
computers, there is an assembler that converts the assembly code into machine code.
Addition of two 8 bit Numbers
Algorithm ↓
- Start the program by loading the first data into Accumulator.
- Move the data to a register (B register).
- Get the second data and load into Accumulator.
- Add the two register contents.
- Store the value of sum and carry in memory location.
- Terminate the program
Source Code ↓
Mnemonics Operand Explanation
LDA 4150 Load the value to Accumulator.
MOV B, AC Move the content of Accumulator to B register.
LDA 4151 Load the value to Accumulator.
ADD B Add the value of register B to AC.
STA 4152 Store the value of Accumulator (SUM).
HLT Halt the program.
Assembly Language program to subtract two numbers
ORG 100 ;Origin of program is location 100
LDA SUB ;Load subtrahend to AC
CMA ;Complement AC
INC ;Increment AC
ADD MIN ;Add minuend to AC
STA DIF ;Store difference
HLT ;Halt computer
Types of Assemblers
There are two main types of assemblers used in comoputer programming.
- Single-pass assembler: A single-pass assembler, also referred to as a one-pass
translator, is designed for efficiency and simplicity.
- In this approach, the assembler reads the entire source code in a single pass or
- As it reads the source code, it generates corresponding machine code on-the-fly without
revisiting the code.
- This means that each line of assembly code is processed and translated into machine code
as it is encountered in the source file.
- Single-pass assemblers are typically faster and require less memory compared to
multi-pass assemblers.
- However, they have limitations, such as not being able to handle forward references,
which are references to symbols or labels that appear later in the code.
- Multi-pass assembler: The multi-pass assembler takes a more comprehensive and methodical
approach to assembly.
- It scans the source code multiple times, iterating through it to resolve various aspects
of the code.
- The final pass, known as the synthesis pass, is where the assembler generates the
machine code.
- During the previous passes, it performs tasks such as collecting information about
labels, symbols, and memory addresses, resolving forward references, and ensuring
correct addressing modes.
- Multi-pass assemblers are more capable and flexible in handling complex code structures
and resolving dependencies between different parts of the code.
- However, this thoroughness comes at the cost of increased processing time and memory
usage, making multi-pass assemblers slower compared to single-pass assemblers.
Difference between Machine language and Assembly language
Program loops programming
A program loop is a sequence of instructions that are executed many times. The following is an
example of a Fortan program that forms the sum of 100 integer numbers.
SUM = 0
DO 3 J = 1, 100
3 SUM = SUM + A(J)
Statement number 3 is executed 100 times. A system program that translates a high-level program is
called a compiler. Following table shows corresposnding assembly code of the program
; Symbolic Program to Add 100 Numbers
S.N. Assembly Code Explanation
1 ORG 100 ;Origin of program is HEX 100
2 LDA ADS ;Load first address of operands in AC
3 STA PTR ;Store contents of AC in counter
4 LDA NBR ;Load minus 100 in AC
5 STA CTR ;Store contents of AC in counter
6 CLA ;Clear accumulator (AC = 0)
7 LOP ADD PTR 1 ;Add an operand to AC
8 ISZ PTR ;Increment pointer
9 ISZ CTR ;Increment counter
10 BUN LOP ;Repeat loop again
11 STA SUM ;Store sum
12 HLT ;Halt
Value update in various registers are shown below:
1 ORG = 100
2 AC = 100
3 PTR = 100
4 AC = -100
5 CTR = -100
6 AC = 0
- In computer programming, a subroutine is a fundamental concept that allows for the reusability
of a set of instructions within a program. A subroutine is essentially a self-contained sequence
of instructions that can be invoked or called upon by the main program whenever needed.
Subroutines play a crucial role in modularizing code and simplifying program structure.
- When a program needs to execute a subroutine, it does so using a branching instruction, often
referred to as "Branch and Save Address" (BSA). This instruction allows the program to transfer
control to the subroutine, which performs a specific task. Once the subroutine completes its
execution, it is designed to return control to the main program. Importantly, a program can
initiate a branch to the subroutine from any part of its main code, enhancing flexibility and
- To ensure a smooth return from the subroutine to the main program, it's necessary to store the
return address. This return address indicates where in the main program the execution should
resume after the subroutine finishes its task. The BSA instruction, which stands for "Branch and
Save Address," serves this purpose by both initiating the subroutine and preserving the return
- As an example, let's consider a subroutine named "SH4" that performs a left shift operation on
the contents of the accumulator (AC) four times. In a program, the sequence of actions might
start by loading a value, let's call it "X," into the accumulator (AC). The next instruction
would be "BSA SH4," invoking the subroutine called "SH4." To ensure that the program knows where
to continue after the subroutine completes, the BSA instruction automatically saves the return
address (in this case, 102 + 1) in the Program Counter (PC).
- Following the BSA instruction, the program proceeds to memory location 109, where the subroutine
"SH4" is executed, performing the desired left shift operation. The last instruction of the
subroutine, "SH4 I," facilitates the return to the main program. It does so by instructing the
control unit to return to the address specified by the Program Counter (PC), which, in this
case, is 102.
Program to demonstrate the Use of Subroutines
Location Assembly Code Explanation
ORG 100 ;Main program
100 LDA X ;Load X
101 BSA SH4 ;Branch to subroutine
102 STA X ;Store shifted number
103 HLT
;Subroutine to shift left 4 times
104 SH4, HEX 0 ;Store return address here
105 CIL ;Circulate left once
106 CIL
107 CIL
108 CIL ;Circulate left fourth time
109 BUN SH4 I ;Return to main program
Input-output programming
- In the realm of computer programming, input and output operations play a crucial role in
interacting with external devices and facilitating communication between the computer and its
users. These operations often involve processing symbols represented as strings of characters,
with each character typically consisting of 8 bits.
- When a user interacts with the computer, such as by pressing a key on the keyboard, a specific
set of instructions comes into play. To handle input, an "INP" (input) instruction is executed,
while for displaying a character, an "OUT" (output) instruction is employed. These instructions
bridge the gap between the computer's internal binary representation and the human-readable
In the context of input operations, the following instructions, as listed in Table-A, are
needed to input a character and store it in memory:
- SKI Instruction: The "SKI" instruction plays a critical role by checking the input
flag. This flag serves as an indicator of whether a character is available for transfer. If
the flag is set to 1, it signifies the presence of a character ready for input; otherwise,
if it's 0, no character is currently available.
- INP Instruction: The "INP" instruction takes action when a character is indeed
available. It proceeds to transfer the character into the Accumulator (AC), making it
accessible for further processing. Subsequently, the character can be printed or manipulated
using subsequent instructions, such as "OUT."
In cases where the "SKI" instruction determines that the flag bit is equal to 0, the program
proceeds with the next instruction in the sequence. Typically, this instruction entails
branching to a return point and reevaluating the flag bit's status. This iterative process
continues until a character becomes available for input.
For output operations, Table-B outlines the instructions required to print a character:
- Load Character into AC: Initially, the character to be printed is loaded into the
Accumulator (AC).
- Check Output Flag: Next, the output flag is examined. If the flag is found to be 0,
this check is repeated until the flag transitions to 1.
- Character Transfer: Once the output flag is set to 1, the character stored in the
Accumulator (AC) can be transferred to the printer for physical printing. This step
effectively completes the process of displaying the character.
Table A - Program to Input Character
Assembly Code Explanation
CIF SKI ;Check input flag
BUN ;Flag = 0, branch to check again
INP ;Flag = 1, input character
OUT ;Print character
STA CHR ;Store character
Table B - Program to Output one character:
Assembly Code Explanation
LDA CHR ;Load character into AC
COF, SKO ;Check output flag
BUN COF ;Flag = 0, branch to check again
OUT ;Flag = 1, output character
Control Memory
- The central processing unit (CPU) of a digital computer comprises several essential functional
units, including the control unit, arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), and various registers. Among
these units, the control unit plays a pivotal role in managing the execution of instructions by
initiating sequences of microoperations. To do this, it generates control words, which are composed
of binary values (0's and 1's). These control words serve as signals that orchestrate the actions of
various functional components within the computer.
- The memory component residing within the Control Unit is referred to as "control memory." This
specialized memory is primarily responsible for storing microprograms, which, in turn, consist of
collections of Micro Instructions. Each Micro Instruction is designed to execute one or more
micro-operations, such as addition (ADD), subtraction (SUB), transfer of data (TSA), or
multiplication (MUL).
- There are two primary approaches to designing a Control Unit:
- Hardwired Control Unit: In this design, control signals are generated directly by dedicated
hardware components.
- Microprogrammed Control Unit: In contrast, a microprogrammed control unit relies on
software-based microprograms to generate control signals. This approach involves two
distinct types of memory: a main memory for general program instructions and a control
memory to store microprograms and their associated micro instructions.
Control Unit Design: Hardwired vs. Microprogrammed
- In the realm of control unit design, two distinct approaches are employed: hardwired design and
microprogrammed design. These approaches dictate how control signals are generated and executed
within a digital computer system.
- In a hardwired design, control signals are generated directly by dedicated hardware
components. These components are carefully designed to produce the required control signals
based on the system's architecture and operational requirements.
- Conversely, in a microprogrammed design, control signals are generated using
microprograms, which are software-based instructions. These microprograms are stored in a
specialized memory called "control memory." A microprogrammed control unit typically encompasses
two separate memory components: a main memory and a control memory.
- It's important to note that while the contents of the main memory may change during program
execution, the contents of the control memory remain static and cannot be altered by the user.
This distinction is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the control instructions and
ensuring the proper functioning of the control unit.
- The general configuration of a microprogrammed control unit includes the following key elements:
- Control Memory: This memory component stores all the control information required for
the execution of microprograms. The Control Memory Address Register (CAR) is responsible
for providing the address of the microinstruction stored in the Control Memory.
- Control Data Register (CDR): The CDR serves as a temporary storage location for the data
fetched from the control memory. It holds the binary data associated with the current
- Next Address Generator (Sequencer): The Next Address Generator, often referred to as the
Sequencer, plays a vital role in the microprogrammed control unit. It is responsible for
fetching the address of the next microinstruction to ensure the orderly progression of
instructions within the microprogram.
- As an illustrative example, consider a scenario where the Control Memory Address Register (CAR)
contains the address "010." In this case, the data "1101" is retrieved from the Control Memory
and placed into the Control Data Register (CDR) for further processing.
- This data handling process, combined with the sequencer's function, facilitates the proper
execution of microprograms within the microprogrammed control unit.
Address Sequencing
- While the CPU is executing the current instruction, it simultaneously generates the address for the
next instruction. This concept is known as address sequencing.
- In a computer's central processing unit (CPU), the execution of program instructions is a
fundamental process that drives the entire computing system. As the CPU processes each
instruction, it performs a series of steps, including fetching the instruction from memory,
decoding it to determine the operation to be performed, executing that operation, and then
storing the results back in memory or registers.
- However, to maintain the flow of program execution, the CPU needs to know where to fetch the
next instruction. This is where the concept of address sequencing comes into play. While the
CPU is in the process of executing the current instruction, it also generates the memory
address of the next instruction that needs to be fetched and executed.
There are four methods to determine the address of the next instruction:
- Incrementing CAR by 1:
- In this method, the contents of the Control Address Register (CAR) are incremented by 1.
The new value represents the address of the next instruction.
- Subroutine Call:
- Subroutines are analogous to functions in a C program. Subroutines consist of
instructions that are executed multiple times.
- When a subroutine is called, the address of the next instruction is stored in
the Subroutine Register.
- Program control then transitions to the subroutine (function definition) and
executes its instructions.
- Once the subroutine is completed, the address stored in the Subroutine Register
is used to locate the address of the next instruction in the program.
- Unconditional / Conditional Branch:
- In an unconditional branch instruction, no conditions are assessed. However, in
conditional branch instructions, a specific condition must be true for branching to
occur. In both cases, certain flag bits (often referred to as Status bits) are examined
to determine the address of the next instruction.
- Mapping:
- Mapping involves the utilization of mapping functions to ascertain the address of the
next instruction within the program."
Design of Control Unit
- The design of the control unit (CU) is a crucial aspect of CPU architecture.
- It dictates how instructions are executed and plays a pivotal role in a processor's performance.
- There are two primary approaches to control unit design: Hardwired and Micro-programmed Control
- The CPU has two main systems: control unit (CU) and arithmetic and logic unit (ALU).
- CU synchronizes tasks using timings and control signals, while ALU handles mathematical and logical
- Two types of control units: Micro-programmed and Hardwired.
- Both control units execute instructions.
Control Signals
- Control signals convey information about operations, sequence of operations, and timing.
- Used to determine the operation to be performed.
- Indicate the sequence of processor operations.
- Specify the timing for operation execution and more.
Hardwired Control Unit
The hardwired control unit is responsible for generating control signals that orchestrate the
execution of instructions with precision in terms of timing and sequence. When compared to
micro-programmed control units, the hardwired CU exhibits generally superior speed and efficiency.
It achieves this by employing a combination of a Programmable Logic Array (PLA) circuit and a state
counter, using hardware-based mechanisms to generate control signals, essentially embracing a
circuitry-centric approach.
To provide a comprehensive understanding of the "generation of control signals" within a hardwired
control unit, let's delve into its components step by step.
- The Instruction Register: This crucial component plays a pivotal role in
generating the opcode bits corresponding to both the operation and the addressing mode of
- Instruction Decoder: The opcode bits generated earlier are fed into the
instruction decoder, which interprets the operation and the addressing mode of the instruction.
Based on these factors, the instruction decoder sets the corresponding Instruction signal (INSi)
to 1. The execution of each instruction typically involves several steps, including instruction
fetch, decode, operand fetch, arithmetic and logical operations, and memory storage. While the
specific steps may vary across different sources, these five steps generally characterize the
execution of an instruction.
- Step Counter: It is crucial for the control unit to keep track of the current
step in the instruction execution process. To facilitate this, a Step Counter is implemented,
capable of holding signals from T1 to T5. Depending on the step within which the instruction
currently resides, one of these step counter signals will be set to 1.
- Clock: How does the Step Counter discern the current step of instruction
execution? This task is accomplished by employing a Clock. Each clock cycle corresponds to one
step. For instance, if the Step Counter sets T3 to 1, it will advance to T4 after the completion
of one clock cycle.
- Interrupt Handling: A pertinent question arises: what happens if the execution
of an instruction is interrupted for some reason? Will the Step Counter continue to be triggered
by the clock? The answer is no. While the execution of the current step is ongoing, the Counter
Enable function will "disable" the Step Counter, ensuring that it halts temporarily and
subsequently increments to the next step signal once the current step is completed.
- Conditional Execution: In scenarios where the execution of an instruction
depends on certain conditions, Condition Signals come into play. These signals are generated
using control signals and encompass conditions such as less than, greater than, less than or
equal to, greater than or equal to, and many more.
- External Input: The last component, External Input, plays a crucial role in
informing the Control Signal Generator about interrupts that could impact the execution of an
Thus, based on input received from conditional signals, the step counter, external inputs, and the
instruction register, the control signals are meticulously generated with the assistance of the
Control Signal Generator, ensuring the seamless execution of instructions.
Micro-programmed Control Unit
- A micro-programmed control unit can be characterized as a straightforward logic circuit with
dual capabilities:
- Firstly, it can execute instructions by generating control signals.
- Secondly, it can sequence through microinstructions to determine the control signals needed
for each step of instruction execution.
These control signals are generated based on programmed sequences, making it a valuable approach
during the era of Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) architecture. The program responsible
for crafting these control signals is known as the "Micro-program," which is stored on the
processor chip, often referred to as fast memory or the control store/control memory.
- A micro-program comprises a collection of microinstructions, also known as control words. Each
microinstruction contains distinct bit patterns, typically n-bit words. These bit patterns serve
as the blueprint for generating specific control signals, differentiating them from one another.
- Similar to other control units, micro-programmed control units execute instructions in discrete
steps. Each step corresponds to a specific microinstruction within the micro-program. To execute
a particular instruction, a sequence of microinstructions is employed, collectively known as a
- Let's delve into the organizational structure of a Micro-programmed Control Unit, including the
arrangement of micro-programs, micro-routines, and control words/microinstructions. We'll also
explore the flow of instruction execution, detailing the steps involved in this process.
- Instruction fetch is the first step. In this step, the instruction is fetched from the
IR (Instruction Register) with the help of a Microinstruction address register.
- Decode is the second step. In this step, the instructions obtained from the instruction
register will be decoded with the help of a microinstruction address generator. Here we
will also get the starting address of a micro-routine. With the help of this address, we
can easily perform the operation, which is mentioned in the instruction. It will also
load the starting address into the micro-program counter.
- Increment is the third step. In this step, the control word, which corresponds to the
starting address of a micro-program, will be read. When the execution proceeds, the
value of the micro-program counter will be increased so that it can read the successive
control words of a micro-routine.
- End bit is the fourth step. In this step, the microinstruction of a micro-routine
contains a bit, which is known as the end bit. The execution of the microinstruction
will be successfully completed when the end bit is set to 1.
- This is the last step, and in this step, the micro-program address generator will again
go back to Step 1 so that we can fetch a new instruction, and this process or cycle goes
- So in the micro-programmed control unit, the micro-programs are stored with the help of Control
memory or Control store. The implementation of this CU is very easy and flexible, but it is
slower as compared to the Hardwired control unit.
Difference between hardwired and microprogrammed CU
Previous Year Questions
What is assembly language? Write assembly language program to multiply two 8 bits number stored in any
memory locations.
What is assembly language? Write assembly language program to multiply two 16 bits number stored in any
memory locations.
Explain the rules of assembly language. Write an assembly language program to add two numbers.
Explain Mirco-instruction Format? Write micro-program for FETCH routine.
What is control unit? Explain two method of implementing control unit.
What is address sequencing. How is it useful in selection of address for control memory?
What are the data transfer and data manipulation instructions? Explain data manipulation instructions in
What is control word? Design and explain control unit.
Differentiate between hardwired and mircroprogrammed control unit.
Mention the advantages and disadvantages of micro-programmed control and hardwired control.
Write short notes on the following:
(i) Compiler
(ii) Subroutines
(iii) Assembly Language
(iv) Machine Language