Software Engineering

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Unit No.



Introduction ⇗:

  • Introduction to software engineering, Importance of software, The evolving role of software, Software Characteristics, Software Components, Software Applications, Software Crisis, Software engineering problems.
  • Software Development Life Cycle Models : Water Fall Model, Incremental Model, RAD, Prototyping, Spiral Model, comparisons, advantages and disadvantages of models.


Software Requirement Engineering ⇗:

  • Requirements elicitation, Problem Analysis, Requirement specifications characteristics, Components of SRS, SRS Document.
  • Software-Design: Design principles, problem partitioning, abstraction, top down and bottom up-design, Structured approach, functional versus object oriented approach, design specifications and verification, Monitoring and Control, Cohesiveness, coupling, Fourth generation techniques, Functional independence.


Coding ⇗:

  • Top-Down and Bottom –Up programming, Structured Programming, Information hiding, programming style and internal documentation.
  • Testing : Testing principles, Levels of testing, functional testing, structural testing, test plane, test case specification, reliability assessment, software testing strategies, Verification & validation, Unit testing, Integration Testing, Alpha & Beta testing, system testing and debugging, Software Maintenance.


Software Reliability & Quality Assurance: ⇗:

  • Reliability issues, Reliability metrics, Role of matrices and measurement, Reliability growth modeling, Software quality, ISO 9000 certification for software industry, SEI capability maturity model, and comparison between ISO & SEI CMM.


Software Project Management ⇗:

  • The Management spectrum- (The people, the product, the process, the project), cost estimation, project scheduling, staffing, software configuration management, quality assurance, project monitoring, risk management, Role of management in software development.
  • CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering): CASE and its Scope, CASE support in software life cycle, Documentation, Project Management, internal interface, Reverse Software Engineering, Architecture of CASE environment.