Software Requirement Engineering

Software Requirement Engineering (SRE) is a critical phase in the software development lifecycle that focuses on identifying, documenting, and managing the requirements of a software project. It is an essential discipline that lays the foundation for the entire software development process.

Importance of Software Requirement Engineering:
SRE is of paramount importance because it serves as the bridge between the needs and expectations of stakeholders (clients, users, and developers) and the final software product. It helps ensure that the resulting software system meets the intended purpose and satisfies user requirements.

Key Objectives of Software Requirement Engineering:
SRE has several key objectives, including:

The Software Requirement Engineering Process:
The SRE process typically encompasses the following stages:

Successful Software Requirement Engineering is a collaborative effort involving project stakeholders, business analysts, and development teams. It helps mitigate project risks, prevent scope creep, and ensure that the resulting software system aligns with business goals and user requirements.

Requirement Elicitation

Requirement Elicitation is a vital phase in software development that focuses on identifying, gathering, and documenting requirements from clients and stakeholders. To understand this process fully, it's essential to first explore Requirement Engineering, a foundational step in the journey of software development.

1) Requirement Engineering

Requirement Engineering is a crucial phase in software development that involves collecting, analyzing, and documenting requirements from clients. It's a four-step process:

  • 1.1 Feasibility Study

    In the Feasibility Study phase:

    • Analysts assess the initial feasibility of the desired software functions.
    • This involves a detailed study to determine if the system's functionality is feasible to develop.
  • 1.2 Requirement Gathering

    If the feasibility report is positive:

    • The next phase is Requirement Gathering.
    • Analysts and engineers communicate with clients and end-users to understand the features they want in the software.
  • 1.3 Software Requirement Specification (SRS)

    After collecting requirements:

    • An Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document is created.
    • It defines how the software interacts with hardware, interfaces, speed of operation, response time, portability, security, quality, and limitations.
    • This transforms client requirements into technical language.
  • 1.4 Software Requirement Validation

    Once requirement specifications are developed:

    • Software Requirement Validation takes place.
    • It ensures that requirements are valid and free from illegal or impractical solutions.
    • This step helps prevent cost overruns and misinterpretations.

2) Requirement Elicitation Process

The Requirement Elicitation Process involves several key steps for effectively gathering and managing requirements:

  • Requirements Gathering

    Requirements Gathering is where developers:

    • Discuss expectations with clients and end-users to collect detailed requirements.
  • Organizing Requirements

    Developers prioritize and arrange requirements:

    • Based on their importance, urgency, and convenience to maintain project focus.
  • Negotiation & Discussion

    If there are ambiguities or conflicts in requirements:

    • They are negotiated and discussed with stakeholders to ensure clarity.
  • Documentation

    Documentation involves:

    • Recording all formal and informal, functional and non-functional requirements for future reference and processing in the development lifecycle.

Requirement Elicitation Techniques

Requirement elicitation is the vital process of gathering and discovering the needs and expectations of stakeholders for a software system. It's like uncovering the puzzle pieces that will help build the right software. There are several techniques to accomplish this, each tailored to different situations and preferences:


Interviews are like friendly conversations with key people involved in the project. They are a powerful way to collect requirements because they allow you to directly interact with stakeholders. There are different types of interviews to choose from:

  • Structured (closed) interviews: These interviews follow a predetermined set of questions. They are like a checklist and ensure that specific information is collected.
  • Non-structured (open) interviews: In these interviews, you don't have a fixed script. You let the conversation flow, which can lead to unexpected insights and ideas.
  • Oral interviews: These are spoken conversations where you discuss requirements in person or over the phone.
  • Written interviews: You provide a list of questions in writing, and stakeholders respond in writing as well.
  • One-to-one interviews: These are one-on-one conversations with individual stakeholders, ensuring their unique needs are addressed.
  • Group interviews: Multiple stakeholders are brought together for discussions. It can be an efficient way to gather input from several people at once.


Surveys are like questionnaires sent out to a larger group of people. They are useful when you want to gather information from many stakeholders efficiently. You send out a set of questions, and people fill them out and return them.


Questionnaires are a bit like surveys, but they typically involve multiple-choice questions. Respondents select answers from predefined options, making it easier to analyze their responses.

Domain Analysis

Domain Analysis is about seeking help from experts who understand the specific field related to the software. These experts have deep knowledge of the domain, and their insights can be invaluable in identifying requirements that may not be obvious to others.


Brainstorming is a creative session where various stakeholders come together for a free-flowing discussion. It's like a brainstorming party for ideas! All inputs and ideas are recorded, and it's a great way to encourage creativity.


Prototyping involves creating a basic model of the software and showing it to users and analysts. Think of it as a sneak peek. By seeing and interacting with the prototype, stakeholders can provide feedback on what they like or need changed.


Observation is like being a detective. A team of experts visits the client's workplace to observe how their current systems work. They watch the flow of tasks, how problems are solved, and take notes. These observations help understand what the new software needs to address.

Problem Analysis

Problem analysis is a crucial step in software development that aims to understand the needs of clients and users. Analysts take on the role of consultants, helping clients identify their requirements. This process involves breaking down complex problems into manageable subproblems and understanding their relationships.

Methods for Problem Analysis

  1. Informal Approach
  2. The Structured Analysis Method
  3. Data dictionary

Informal Approach (3.1)

  • The informal approach to problem analysis is flexible and doesn't rely on predefined methodologies.
  • It involves direct interactions with clients, end-users, questionnaires, studying existing documents, and brainstorming.
  • Analysts build a mental model of the problem and system, translating their understanding into the Software Requirements Specification (SRS).
  • This often includes a series of meetings where clients explain their work, environment, and needs, with the analyst acting as a listener and later as an explainer.
  • An initial draft of the SRS may be created in the final meetings.

The Structured Analysis Method (3.2)

  • The structured analysis method views the system as a transformation function that takes inputs from the environment and produces outputs.
  • For complex systems, this function is divided into sub-functions to improve understanding.
  • Sub-functions can be further partitioned until each becomes easily understandable.
  • Data Flow Modeling and Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) play a key role in this approach.

Data FLow Modeling

Data Flow Modeling is a structured analysis technique that focuses on function-based decomposition of a problem. It helps in understanding how a system functions by showing the flow of data. In a DFD, a system is seen as a function that transforms inputs into outputs.

Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

  • DFD is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an information system, modelling its process aspects.

Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs), also called data flow graphs, are used during problem analysis. DFDs are very useful in understanding a system. They visually represent the flow of data in a system and view it as a function that transforms inputs into outputs.

Components of DFD

It consists of 4 symbols that represents: data flows, data stores, processes, and sources/sinks (or external entities).

  • Data Flow: Represents the movement of data in the system, shown with arrows. The arrow's tail indicates the source, and the head is the destination.
  • Data Store: Denotes data storage, often a database, shown as a rectangle with both smaller sides missing.
  • Process: Represents tasks performed on data and is depicted as a circle (sometimes as a rectangle).
  • Source/Sink (Entities): The origin or destination of data; sometimes referred to as external entities. Anything that provides data into your system/software is External Entity, it could be a person, system or organization.

Levels of DFD

  • In software engineering, DFDs can be drawn to represent the system at different levels of abstraction.
  • Higher-level DFDs are partitioned into lower levels, revealing more information and functional elements.
  • Levels in DFDs are numbered as 0, 1, 2, or beyond.

0-Level DFD (Context Diagram)

  • A 0-level DFD, also known as a context diagram, provides an overview of the entire system in a simplified manner.
  • In this diagram, the system is represented as a single process or "bubble." This bubble symbolizes the entire system, and it is the center of attention.
  • External entities, which interact with the system, are depicted as separate entities outside the central bubble.
  • Input data from external entities is illustrated by incoming arrows, while output data from the system is represented by outgoing arrows.
  • The 0-level DFD serves as a high-level abstraction that shows how the system interacts with its external environment without delving into detailed internal processes.
  • It is a crucial starting point for understanding the system's boundaries and the flow of data between the system and external entities.
  • The Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) illustrates the core processes and data interactions in a railway reservation system.
  • Three primary entities are involved in this system:
    • Passenger: Represented as a source entity, passengers initiate actions like making reservations and cancellations.
    • Railway Reservation: Represented as a central process, this entity handles the core functionalities of the system, including reservations and cancellations.
    • Admin: Also depicted as a source entity, admins manage the system, oversee operations, and gather information.
  • Data flows from the Passenger entity to the Railway Reservation process, indicating actions such as making reservations, cancellations, and providing ticket information.
  • Conversely, data flows from the Railway Reservation process to the Admin entity, encompassing information like train schedules, reservation/cancellation status, and passenger details.
  • The processes in the Level 0 DFD include:
    • Cancellation: Represents the process of canceling reservations initiated by passengers.
    • Reservation: Signifies the process of making reservations as requested by passengers.
    • Ticket Info: Involves the management and provision of ticket-related information to passengers.
    • Up/Down Train Info: Covers the dissemination of train schedule information to admin for efficient system management.
    • Reserve/Cancel Info: Informs the admin about reservation and cancellation status for operational oversight.
    • Passenger Info: Provides essential passenger data to the admin for passenger management purposes.
  • This Level 0 DFD serves as an overview of the railway reservation system, showcasing the primary entities, their interactions, and key processes without diving into detailed subprocesses.

1-level DFD

  • The 1-level Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is the next step after the context diagram (0-level DFD).
  • In this level, we decompose the high-level process from the context diagram into multiple subprocesses or bubbles.
  • While the 0-level DFD provides an overview of the entire system, the 1-level DFD focuses on breaking down the main functions of the system into more detailed processes.
  • Each bubble or process in the 1-level DFD represents a specific function or operation within the system.
  • The 1-level DFD acts as an intermediate step between the context diagram and lower-level DFDs, allowing us to further refine and detail the system's processes.
  • It provides a more granular view of how data flows between processes, entities, and data stores within the system.
  • Subprocesses identified in the 1-level DFD are typically expanded further in subsequent levels (2-level, 3-level, etc.) to achieve a deeper understanding of the system's operations.

2-level DFD Explanation

  • The 2-level Data Flow Diagram (DFD) takes us a step further into the system's details compared to the 1-level DFD.
  • In this level, we delve deeper into the subprocesses that were identified in the 1-level DFD.
  • While the 1-level DFD provides an overview of the system's main functions, the 2-level DFD offers more specific and detailed information about how those functions work.
  • It allows us to plan, document, or analyze the inner workings of the system with greater precision.
  • The 2-level DFD is particularly useful for capturing specific details of data flow, processes, entities, and data stores within the system.
  • Subprocesses identified in the 1-level DFD are further decomposed into smaller, more manageable processes in the 2-level DFD.
  • By using the 2-level DFD, we can identify the steps involved in each subprocess and gain a clearer understanding of how data is transformed and processed.
  • This level of detail is essential for designing, implementing, or troubleshooting complex systems.

Rules for Creating DFD

  • The data can't flow directly from one external entity (source) to another. There must be a process in between. Data can flow between processes or from processes to external entities.
  • Each process should have both incoming and outgoing data flows. It's not possible for a process to have only data flowing in or out.
  • Don't display files (storage) in the 0 level of the DFD.
  • Entity names should be clear and easily understandable without requiring additional explanations.
  • Processes should be numbered or listed in an ordered manner for easy reference and understanding.
  • DFDs should maintain consistency across all levels and diagrams.
  • A single DFD can have a maximum of 9 processes and a minimum of 3 processes.
  • The analyst should be vigilant for common errors, including:
    • Unlabeled data flows.
    • Missing data flows, where information required by a process is not available.
    • Extraneous data flows, where some information is not being used in the process.
    • Inconsistency in maintaining the diagram during refinement.
    • Missing processes that should be included in the DFD.
    • Containing control information when it shouldn't.

Advantages of Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

  • Understanding System Functionality: DFDs help us grasp how a system functions and its operational boundaries.
  • Visual Clarity: DFDs provide a clear and visual representation, making it easy to understand and visualize system components.
  • Detailed Representation: DFDs offer a detailed and well-explained diagram of various components within a system.
  • Documentation: They are commonly used as part of system documentation files, aiding in system analysis and design.
  • Accessible to All: DFDs are comprehensible by both technical and non-technical individuals due to their simplicity and clarity.

Data dictionary (3.3)

  • A Data Dictionary is a collection of names, definitons, and attributes about data elements that are being used or captured in a database, information system, or part of a research project.


  • A data dictionary is a centralized repository that stores metadata about data elements, including their names, descriptions, data types, constraints, and relationships.


  • Data Clarity: It ensures that everyone involved in the project understands the data being used.
  • Consistency: It promotes uniformity in data naming and usage.
  • Data Quality: It helps in maintaining data integrity by specifying constraints.
  • Documentation: It serves as documentation for data-related decisions and definitions.


  • Data Element: A specific piece of data with a unique name, e.g., "CustomerID."
  • Data Type: The type of data a data element can hold (e.g., string, integer, date).
  • Description: A brief explanation of what the data element represents.
  • Constraints: Rules or limitations on the data (e.g., maximum length, allowed values).
  • Relationships: How data elements relate to each other (e.g., foreign keys in a database).


  • Let's say you're designing a database for a library management system. Here's an example of data dictionary entries for two data elements:
  • Data Element: BookID
    • Data Type: Integer
    • Description: A unique identifier for each book in the library.
    • Constraints: Must be unique and not null.
  • Data Element: Author
    • Data Type: String
    • Description: The name of the book's author.
    • Constraints: Maximum length of 100 characters.


  • Consistency: Ensures that data is used consistently throughout the software.
  • Communication: Facilitates communication between developers, analysts, and stakeholders.
  • Maintenance: Simplifies maintenance and updates to the data model.
  • Data Governance: Supports data governance by defining ownership and access rights.


  • Initial Effort: Creating and maintaining a data dictionary can be time-consuming.
  • Complexity: For large systems, the data dictionary can become complex.
  • Overhead: It adds some overhead to the development process.


  • During Requirements Analysis: It helps in understanding and specifying data requirements.
  • Database Design: It aids in designing the database schema.
  • Documentation: It serves as a reference for developers and analysts.
  • Data Governance: It supports data governance and compliance efforts.

Object-Oriented Modeling (OOM)

OOM Processes

  • System Analysis: In this initial phase, the problem statement is formulated. An analysis model is constructed by the analyst, highlighting the essential properties associated with the situation. The analysis model serves as a concise and precise abstraction, outlining how the desired system should be developed.
  • System Design: At the system design stage, the complete architecture of the system is designed. This phase involves dividing the entire system into subsystems, based on the insights gained from the system analysis model and the proposed overall system architecture.
  • Object Design: In the object design phase, a detailed design model is developed based on the analysis model created earlier. Object design decisions involve specifying the data structures and algorithms required to implement each of the classes identified in the system.
  • Final Implementation: The final implementation phase involves translating the design into actual code. This stage includes developing classes, relationships, and other components using a specific programming language, database, or hardware implementation, as needed.

Object-Oriented Modeling Models

  • Object Model: The object model is used to describe the objects within the system and their relationships with each other. It provides a structural view of the system, highlighting the various entities and how they interact.
  • Dynamic Model: The dynamic model focuses on illustrating the interactions among objects and the flow of information within the system. It emphasizes the behavior and temporal aspects of the system's operation.
  • Functional Model: The functional model is concerned with defining data transformations within the system. It describes how data is processed and transformed as it moves through the system's components, emphasizing the functional aspects of the system's behavior.

Features of Object-Oriented System

  • Encapsulation: Encapsulation is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming. It involves combining both data and the functions (or methods) that operate on that data into a single unit called an "object." This encapsulation hides the internal details of an object from the rest of the system and exposes only the necessary functionality through the class's methods. It helps in maintaining data integrity and reducing complexity.
  • Abstraction: Abstraction is the process of simplifying complex reality by modeling classes based on the essential characteristics of objects from the user's perspective. It involves selecting the necessary attributes and methods that define an object while ignoring irrelevant details. Abstraction allows developers to create models that are easier to understand and work with.
  • Relationships: In an object-oriented system, classes are interconnected, and objects don't exist in isolation. There are three primary types of object relationships:
    • Aggregation: This relationship indicates a whole-part relationship between objects. For example, a "Car" object can be composed of "Engine," "Wheels," and other components.
    • Association: Association represents a connection between two classes, where one class interacts with or is somehow connected to another class. For instance, one class may collaborate with another class to perform a specific task.
    • Generalization: Generalization implies that one class is based on another class. It signifies that two classes share common characteristics but may also have differences. Generalization represents an "is-a-kind-of" relationship. For example, "Saving Account" is a kind of "Account."
  • Class and Objects: In object-oriented programming, a class is a blueprint that defines the attributes (properties) and methods (functions) that objects created from that class will have. Objects are instances of classes and represent specific instances of the concepts defined by the class. Each object has its own set of attribute values.
  • Message Passing: Objects communicate with each other by sending messages. When one object wants another object to perform a specific method, it sends a message to the target object, initiating the desired action. This mechanism allows objects to interact and collaborate in an object-oriented system.
  • Links and Association: Links and associations are used to depict relationships among objects and classes:
    • Links: Links represent physical or conceptual connections between objects. For example, a link might represent that "Student Ravi studies at GEHU."
    • Association: An association is a collection of links with a common structure and meaning. It represents a type of relationship shared by multiple objects or classes. For instance, "Students study at GEHU" represents an association where all links connect students to the university.
  • Multiplicity: Multiplicity in an association specifies how many objects participate in a particular relationship. It defines whether the relationship is one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many, indicating the number of objects involved.
  • Aggregation: Aggregation is a specialized form of association used to model "part-whole" or "a-part-of" relationships. It represents an aggregate (the whole) that is composed of individual parts. Aggregation helps in modeling complex structures.
  • Generalization and Inheritance: Generalization and inheritance are powerful abstractions that enable the sharing of attributes and methods between classes:
    • Generalization: Generalization represents an "is-a-kind-of" relationship between classes. It allows one class to inherit common characteristics and behaviors from another class. For example, "Saving Account" is a kind of "Account."
    • Inheritance: Inheritance is the mechanism by which a class inherits attributes and methods from a parent class through the generalization relationship. It promotes code reusability and hierarchical structuring of classes.

Understanding Requirement Specifications

In the realm of software development, Requirement Specifications serve as the fundamental building blocks of any project. These specifications are the bedrock upon which the entire development process is constructed. They provide the vision, define the scope, and outline the goals of the software project. To create effective software, it's imperative to grasp the nuances of Requirement Specifications. In this comprehensive overview, we explore various aspects of Requirement Specifications, from their characteristics to the categories they fall into.

Requirement Specifications

Requirement specifications are the cornerstone of software development. They represent a detailed breakdown of what the software system needs to accomplish. To ensure the success of a software project, Requirement Specifications must exhibit specific characteristics, including:

  • Clear: Requirements should be expressed in a way that leaves no room for ambiguity or confusion. They must be easily understood by all stakeholders, including developers and end-users.
  • Correct: Requirements must accurately reflect the needs and expectations of the stakeholders. Any inaccuracies or errors can lead to costly misunderstandings later in the development process.
  • Consistent: Requirements should not conflict with each other. A consistent set of requirements ensures that the software development process proceeds smoothly.
  • Coherent: Requirements should form a logically connected and cohesive whole. They should align with the overarching goals of the software project and make sense when viewed as a collective entity.
  • Comprehensible: Requirements should be written in a manner that is understandable to all parties involved. They should avoid technical jargon or complex language that might alienate non-technical stakeholders.
  • Modifiable: As the project progresses, requirements may need to be adjusted or expanded. Requirements should be designed in a way that allows for easy modification without causing disruption to the development process.
  • Verifiable: It should be possible to verify whether the requirements have been successfully implemented. This verification process helps ensure that the software aligns with the initial goals.
  • Prioritized: Requirements should be ranked in order of importance. Prioritization helps focus development efforts on the most critical aspects of the software.
  • Unambiguous: There should be no room for interpretation or misunderstanding when it comes to requirements. Ambiguity can lead to costly delays and errors.
  • Traceable: Each requirement should be traceable to its source, allowing for a clear understanding of its origin and purpose.
  • Credible source: Requirements should originate from credible and reliable sources. The credibility of the source is vital in ensuring that the requirements are valid and meaningful.

Non-Functional Requirements

In addition to functional requirements, which specify what the software must do, non-functional requirements play a crucial role in shaping the overall quality and performance of the software. Non-functional requirements encompass aspects that are not directly related to the functionality but are equally important. These include:

  • Security: Requirements related to the security of the software, such as data protection and access control.
  • Logging: Specifications for logging and monitoring activities within the software for auditing and troubleshooting purposes.
  • Storage: Requirements pertaining to data storage, retrieval, and management within the software.
  • Configuration: Specifications for configuring and customizing the software to meet specific needs.
  • Performance: Requirements related to the performance and responsiveness of the software, including speed and efficiency.
  • Cost: Considerations related to the cost of developing, maintaining, and operating the software.
  • Interoperability: Requirements regarding the software's ability to work seamlessly with other systems and technologies.
  • Flexibility: Specifications for how adaptable and flexible the software should be to accommodate changes and updates.
  • Disaster recovery: Requirements for ensuring that the software can recover from unexpected failures or disasters.
  • Accessibility: Specifications for making the software accessible to users with disabilities, complying with accessibility standards.

Requirements are logically categorized based on their criticality and importance to the software project:

  • Must Have: These are requirements that are absolutely essential for the software to be considered operational. Without these, the software cannot fulfill its primary purpose.
  • Should Have: These requirements enhance the functionality of the software and contribute to its overall effectiveness. They are important but not critical.
  • Could Have: While these requirements are desirable, the software can still function correctly even if they are not implemented. They provide additional value but are not essential.
  • Wish List: These requirements represent desires or goals that are not directly tied to the core objectives of the software. They may be considered for future development but are not currently a priority.

User Interface Requirements

The user interface (UI) of software plays a pivotal role in user satisfaction and acceptance. A well-designed UI contributes significantly to the overall user experience. An effective UI is one that is:

  • Easy to operate, allowing users to perform tasks intuitively and with minimal effort.
  • Quick in response, ensuring that users do not experience frustrating delays when interacting with the software.
  • Effective in handling operational errors, providing clear guidance to users when issues arise.
  • Providing a simple yet consistent user interface, maintaining a uniform look and feel throughout the software for a seamless user experience.

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Plan and Documentation


General Description

Functional Requirements

Interface Requirements

Performance Requirements

Design Constraints

Non-Functional Attributes

Preliminary Schedule and Budget


Characteristics of a Good SRS Document

Software Design Principles

A design methodology is a systematic approach to creating a design by applying a set of techniques and guidelines. The design process starts after the requirements specification is ready.

Software developers determine modules within the system, with each module having a defined behavior and interacting with others in a predefined way. The design process has two levels:

A correct system design satisfies the requirements specified in the Software Requirements Specification (SRS).

The quality of software design is often subjective, but some properties and criteria define design quality:

Now, let's explore some basic guiding principles for software system design:

Problem Partitioning (5.1)

For solving large problems, "divide and conquer" is a good approach. Software design divides the problem into manageable pieces that can be solved separately, but it's important to note that these pieces cannot be entirely independent because they form the system. Proper partitioning minimizes maintenance costs and aids design verification.

Abstraction (5.2)

Abstraction allows designers to consider a component at an abstract level, describing external behavior without concerning internal details. Two common abstraction mechanisms are:

Top down and bottom up-design


In software design, choosing the right approach is crucial. Two commonly used design methodologies are top-down and bottom-up design. These approaches dictate how a system is conceptualized and constructed. Let's explore the key principles of each approach.

Top-Down Design

A top-down design approach begins by identifying the major components of the system. It then breaks these components down into their lower-level counterparts, iteratively refining the design until the desired level of detail is reached. This method offers stepwise refinement, where each step further refines the design to a more concrete level.

Bottom-Up Design

Conversely, a bottom-up design approach starts by designing the most basic or primitive components. It then proceeds to higher-level components, utilizing the operations of lower layers to implement more powerful operations in higher layers.

Choosing the Right Approach

The choice between top-down and bottom-up design depends on the project's specific circumstances:

Functional versus object-oriented approach

Software design involves choosing an approach to create a structured and efficient system. Two main approaches are commonly used: function-oriented design and object-oriented design. Each has its unique characteristics and applications. Let's explore these approaches in more detail.

Function-Oriented Design

In function-oriented design:

Object-Oriented Design

In object-oriented design (OOD):

  • System as Objects: The system is seen as a collection of objects, each with its own data and a set of functions (methods) responsible for managing that data.
  • Data Encapsulation: Data within an object is not directly accessible by other objects. It can only be accessed through the object's methods, promoting data security and encapsulation.
  • Decentralized System State: Unlike function-oriented design, there is no globally shared data. Each object contains its own data, and system state is decentralized.
  • Example: In a library automation software, each library member can be a separate object with its data and functions. These objects handle their own data and interactions.

Choosing the Right Approach

The choice between function-oriented and object-oriented design depends on the project's requirements and complexity. Function-oriented design is a mature technology, while object-oriented design is favored for developing large programs and promoting modularity.

Design Specifications and Verification

Why Design Specifications and Verification are Important:

Design Specifications and Verification are fundamental aspects of the software development process, serving several crucial purposes:

  • Ensuring Accuracy: They help ensure that the software system is designed and implemented accurately, aligning with the initial requirements and goals.
  • Quality Assurance: Verification serves as a quality assurance step to identify and rectify any discrepancies or errors in the software.
  • Compliance: They ensure that the software complies with regulatory requirements, industry standards, and security protocols.
  • Effective Communication: Design Specifications provide a clear communication channel between developers, designers, and stakeholders, ensuring everyone understands the system's intended functionality.

Design Specifications:

Design Specifications serve as a detailed blueprint for a software system's development. They describe how the system performs the requirements outlined in the Functional Requirements. Depending on the system, these specifications can encompass various aspects:

  • Specific Inputs: Clearly define the inputs the system will accept, including data types, formats, and any constraints.
  • Calculations and Code: Detail the calculations or code algorithms that will be used to achieve the defined requirements.
  • Outputs: Specify the outputs that the system will generate as a result of processing the inputs.
  • System Security Measures: Explain the technical measures and protocols in place to ensure the security of the system's data and functionality.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Identify how the system meets any applicable regulatory requirements, such as industry standards or legal mandates.

Design Verification:

Design Verification is a critical quality assurance process that evaluates whether a software product aligns with the input requirements and design specifications. Key points about Design Verification include:

  • Verification serves as a quality assurance step to confirm that the software functions correctly and meets its intended purpose.
  • It involves rigorous testing and examination to identify any discrepancies between the design and actual implementation.
  • The primary purpose is to validate that the designed software product matches the specifications laid out in the Design Specifications.
  • Verification helps catch and rectify any deviations or errors that may have occurred during the development process.
  • It checks whether the software product achieves its goals without any defects or bugs.

Monitoring and Control in Project Management

Why Monitoring and Control are Important:

Monitoring and Control are integral aspects of effective project management, serving several critical purposes:

  • Progress Tracking: They allow project managers to track the project's progress continuously, ensuring it adheres to the established plan and schedule.
  • Milestone Identification: Key events, known as milestones, are designated to mark significant project achievements. These milestones help measure and celebrate progress.
  • Early Issue Detection: Monitoring enables the early detection of potential delays or issues, providing the opportunity for timely corrective actions.
  • Schedule Adjustments: When delays or deviations from the plan are predicted, project managers can make necessary adjustments to schedules and plans to keep the project on track.
  • Effective Project Control: It empowers project managers to exercise control over the project's direction and outcomes, ensuring it aligns with the project objectives.
  • Use of Tools: Tools like PERT charts aid in project monitoring and control, providing visual representations of project activities and dependencies.

Project Monitoring:

Once a project starts, the project manager continuously monitors it to ensure it progresses according to the plan. Key points about project monitoring include:

  • The project manager designates milestones, such as the completion of important activities, to mark measurable progress.
  • Milestones can include events like the preparation and review of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document or the completion of coding and unit testing.
  • If a delay in reaching a milestone is predicted, corrective actions may be required, including schedule adjustments and producing updated schedules.

PERT Chart:

The Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) chart is especially useful in project monitoring and control. It provides a visual representation of project activities, dependencies, and timelines, aiding project managers in tracking progress and making informed decisions.

Cohesiveness in Software Design

Why Cohesiveness is Important:

Cohesiveness is a fundamental concept in software design that influences the quality and maintainability of software systems. Understanding the importance of cohesiveness is crucial because:

  • Effective Modularization: Cohesiveness plays a vital role in decomposing complex problems into manageable modules, making software development more structured and manageable.
  • Quality of Design: High cohesion indicates that the elements within a module belong together logically, leading to more robust and maintainable code.
  • Coupling Reduction: High cohesion often correlates with low coupling, reducing interdependence between modules and minimizing unintended side effects when making changes.
  • Classification: Understanding the different types of cohesion and coupling helps software designers make informed decisions during the design phase.


A module's cohesion measures the strength of the relationship between its elements. It assesses how well elements within a module logically belong together. Various types of cohesion exist, including:

  • Coincidental Cohesion: Occurs when a module's tasks have a loose or coincidental relationship.
  • Logical Cohesion: Elements within a module perform similar operations, indicating logical cohesion.
  • Temporal Cohesion: Exists when functions in a module execute within the same time span.
  • Procedural Cohesion: Modules with functions that are part of a single procedure or algorithm exhibit procedural cohesion.
  • Communicational Cohesion: Modules where functions refer to or update the same data structure have communicational cohesion.
  • Sequential Cohesion: Modules with elements forming a sequence, where the output of one is the input of the next, display sequential cohesion.
  • Functional Cohesion: A module is functionally cohesive when its elements cooperate to achieve a single function or purpose.


Coupling refers to the degree of interdependence between software modules. Understanding coupling is crucial for designing modular and maintainable software. Different types of coupling include:

  • Data Coupling: Occurs when two modules communicate through parameters.
  • Stamp Coupling: Involves communication using composite data items, such as structures in languages like C.
  • Control Coupling: Exists when one module's data is used to direct the execution order of instructions in another.
  • Common Coupling: Two modules are common coupled when they share data through global data items.
  • Content Coupling: Occurs when two modules share code, such as a branch from one module into another.

Fourth Generation Techniques (4GT) in Software Engineering

Why Fourth Generation Techniques (4GT) are Important:

Fourth Generation Techniques (4GT) are a significant aspect of software engineering that offers unique benefits and challenges. Understanding their importance is crucial because:

  • High-Level Abstraction: 4GT enables developers to specify software at a high level using specialized languages or graphical notations, making it more accessible to customers.
  • Automated Code Generation: These techniques can automatically generate source code based on developer specifications, saving time and reducing the chances of coding errors.
  • Improved Productivity: 4GT tools can streamline the software development process, increasing productivity and reducing development time.
  • Operational Prototyping: They allow for the rapid creation of operational prototypes, helping customers visualize and refine their requirements.
  • Challenges: Proper use of 4GT requires a well-defined requirements gathering process and design strategy to avoid issues like poor quality and maintainability.

Fourth Generation Techniques (4GT) Overview:

Fourth Generation Techniques encompass a wide range of software tools that focus on specifying software characteristics at a high level and automatically generating source code based on these specifications. Key points about 4GT include:

  • 4GT tools use specialized language forms or graphical notations that describe problems in terms understandable to customers.
  • A typical software design environment that supports 4GT includes tools for database query, report generation, code generation, data manipulation, high-level graphics, spreadsheet capabilities, and automated generation of HTML.
  • The 4GT process typically begins with requirements gathering, where customer requirements are translated into an operational prototype.
  • For complex projects, a design strategy is necessary even if 4GT is used to ensure quality, maintainability, and customer acceptance.
  • 4GT tools facilitate automated code generation but require a well-defined data structure and accessibility for successful implementation.
  • Transforming a 4GT implementation into a product involves testing, documentation, and solution integration activities, similar to other software engineering paradigms.

Functional Independence in Software Design

Why Functional Independence is Important:

Functional Independence is a fundamental concept in software design that plays a crucial role in creating well-structured and maintainable software systems. Understanding its importance is essential because:

Previous Year Questions

Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b) and (c).
  1. What are the crucial process steps of requirement engineering? Discuss with the help of diagram.
  2. Define coupling and cohesion and their use in determining software design strength.
  3. List out requirements elicitation techniques. Which one is most popular why?

Memorize the meaning and importance of requirements gathering. Name and explain the different requirements gathering techniques that are normally developed by an analyst.

The basic goal of the requirements activity is to get an SRS that has some desirable properties. What is the role of modeling in developing such SRS? List three major benefits that modeling provides, along with justifications, for achieving the basic goal.

Differentiate between function-oriented design, and object-oriented design in relation to software system design. Identify various symbols used in DFD. Discuss the various rules for designing a DFD.

Explain the software requirement and analysis. Define the need of SRS document in software develoment. Define requirement process.

Clarify the importance of Data Modelling. Design 1-level DFD for a restaurant system.

Clarify the various components of a SRS. Differentiate between Functional vs. Object-oriented approach.

Classify the types of Cohesion and coupling. Write down the characteristics of a good SRS.

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