Data Analytics Using Python

Details of the course ↓

Unit No.



Introduction to Data Science ⇗:

  • Introduction to data science, Knowledge domains of Data Analysis, Understanding structured and unstructured data, Data Analysis process, State of the Practice in Analytics, The Data Scientist, Data Analytics Lifecycle Challenges of Conventional Systems.


Statistical Concepts ⇗:

  • Sampling Distributions, Re-Sampling, Statistical Inference, Prediction Error, Regression Modelling, Multivariate Analysis, Bayesian Modelling.


Introduction to Python ⇗:

  • Installation of Python in Windows, Linux and Osx, Using Interactive shell. Creating, Saving and Running a Python Script. Intro to Python's data types: String, Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, Variables, Assignments; Immutable variables, Numerical types, operators and expressions.


Functional Programming ⇗:

  • Understanding If-Else, While, For, Iterations. Functions Basics, Scopes and Argument Passing. Advanced Functions. Modules creation and Managing Code with modules.File handling in python.


Processing and Visualizing Data ⇗:

  • NumPy Basics: Understanding and creating N-dimensional arrays, Basic indexing and slicing, Data processing using arrays.


  • Importing files and creating data frames, Introductory Data analysis