Details of the course ↓

Unit No.



Unit 1 ⇗:

  • Meaning, Significance and scope of Operation Research, Management Applications of Operations research. Features of Operation Research, Quantitative technique of Operation Research, Role of Computers in Operating Research.


Unit 2 ⇗:

  • Formulation of Linear programming problems, Graphical Solution of LP problems, Simplex Method, Two phase method, Big M method, Transportation, Assignment, and Travelling-Salesman problems.


Unit 3 :

  • Theory of Games: Types of games, Pure Strategy and mixed strategy.


Unit 4 :

  • Sequencing: Processing a jobs through 2 machines, Processing n jobs through 3 machines, Processing 2 jobs through n machines, Processing n jobs through m machines.


Unit 5 :

  • PERT and CPM: Application of PERT/CPM Techniques, Basic steps in PERT/CPM techniques, Network diagram representation. Time Estimates in critical path analysis, Project time cost trade off, Updating of project, resource allocation, project monitoring.