Details of the course ↓

Unit No.



Unit 1 ⇗:

  • Introduction: What is Soft Computing? Difference between Hard and Soft computing, Requirement of Soft computing, Major Areas of Soft Computing, Applications of Soft Computing. Fundamentals of ANN: The Biological Neural Network, Artificial Neural Networks -Building Blocks of ANN and ANN terminologies: architecture, setting of weights, activation functions - McCulloch-pitts Neuron Model, Hebbian Learning rule, Perception learning rule, Delta learning rule.


Unit 2 :

  • Models of ANN: Single layer perception, Architecture, Algorithm, application procedure- Feedback Networks: Hopfield Net and BAM - Feed Forward Networks: Back Propogation Network (BPN) and Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) – Self Organizing Feature Maps: SOM and LVQ.


Unit 3 :

  • Fuzzy Sets, properties and operations - Fuzzy relations, cardinality, operations and properties of fuzzy relations, fuzzy composition.


Unit 4 :

  • Fuzzy variables - Types of membership functions - fuzzy rules: Takagi and Mamdani –fuzzy inference systems: fuzzification, inference, rulebase, defuzzification.


Unit 5 :

  • Genetic Algorithm (GA): Biological terminology – elements of GA: encoding, types of selection, types of crossover, mutation, reinsertion – a simple genetic algorithm –Theoretical foundation: schema, fundamental theorem of GA, building block hypothesis.